Monday, January 05, 2009

Netbook needs to be small? MSI thinks not. Meet MSI X-Slim X320 netbook

13.4 inch netbook...

Click here to see more

Some specs:

13.4 inch screen
Intel Atom
USBx3, RJ-45,
SD card slot
VGA out
Thicness between 6mm - 19.8mm

Thanks Grave Taiwan [ translated ]

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Anonymous said...

oh wait, so the definition of a netbook just became "any laptop which runs on an atom"?

Anonymous said...

Hey, every notebook can be classified as a "netbook" as long as it can access the 'net ! :-)

Joao Oliveira said...

I'm sorry but this is not a netbook any more. More a crappy laptop. If i would want such a big device i would invest in something much more powerful and i sure the price wouldn't be that much higher....
I think manufacturers are taking this all atom business a little bit too far. fooling costumers in my opinion.....

Pierre said...

Joao Oliveira, it's a totally useful laptop. If not better for your eyes and fingers due to size. I like the Atom platform because it gives sufficent performance with low power consumption.

Spec-wise, this is a netbook. Size does not qualify it as one. It's merely a low power laptop!

Joao Oliveira said...

I didn't say it wasn't as useful device. I just don't agree with the term netbook on such big device. Putting such specs and such big device can confuse costumers... and most of them won't know the difference between the specs of a netbook and low end notebook. Acer sells 12 inch notebooks a bit more than 500euros and believe me "regular" buyers the power consumption and battery life is not the first thing they look at
When I say they are taking this all atom business too far is in the way that, if it has an atom inside and its portable that it's a netobook? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Wow that looks like a boot leg macbook air

Anonymous said...

Me thinks Apple will have a conversation with MSI over this design "theft". Poor show MSI and what a shame your design department can not innovate.

Who decides what constitutes a "Net-Book"? Answer.....The market (buyers)

Anonymous said...

Sure,thats what the consumption zombies want to buy.Its the exact opposite of what kind of design I like.

Anonymous said...

netbook =

small (FALSE)
+ light (TRUE)
+ cheap (FALSE)
+ reasonable_performance (TRUE)

( + means logical AND )

Anonymous said...

Maybe the atom is an 330 (dual-core), this will explain the size (heat dissipation). If is the usual 270 then this is the equivalent of Windows ME of notebooks.
Still it will be sold due to design.

jhh said...

The biggest drawbacks to netbooks (here defined as having atom processors plus "small" screens and keyboards, weighing under three pounds, and costing $500 or less. The main drawbacks of netbooks are the size of the screen and the keyboard. This is why 7" eee pcs were quickly overshadowed by 9" and 10" models. If MSI can keep the weight down (while keeping battery life at > 4 hrs) and offer a bigger screen and keyboard, all at a bargain price, they may succeed in ratcheting up the definition of netbook further. Personally, I think 13" might be a bit too big for a sleek portfolio type bag, 12" would seem a better upper limit, but we shall see.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting notebook, can't wait for some more info and videos from CES 2009. :)

It may be the first laptop with Atom Duo, which would make sense with the 13,4 inch screen. I had Asus EEE PC 701, Lenovo S10E, but i'm very interested in this one, if it haves Atom Duo, Intel GMA instead stupid, bulky Air's 9400 and lasts at least 4h. It may become the best choice for portable mobile and decent portable computer. :)

Saperalot said...

oh very thin thats good but the size is too big. 10 inch maximum screen is enough for a netbook i think

Anonymous said...

its a cheap macbook air...except not similar performance.

Anonymous said...

Just a wanna-be MacBook Air...

Anonymous said...

Netbooks probably could be any size just not have an optical drive.

Anonymous said...

Looks pretty sexy and the netbook looks good too... :-)

Anonymous said...

it looks like a photoshoped macbook air for christs sake...look at the mousepad...there is a single click mouse button lol!

Anonymous said...

The new 17" MacBook Pro is thinner than that, so I guess it's a netbook too!...

Anonymous said...

Yey, this is stuffed with Z520 CPU!

Anonymous said...

What is set in stone about the netbook? The specs are only determined by the limits of technology. And those specs will continue to be stretched – the market demands it. Gimme as much computer as you can in as lite and slim of a package with the longest battery life for the fewest bucks possible, and I'll be happy to call it a netbook.

This proto-MSI looks closer to my dream netbook than anything out there right now.

In fact, my dream netbook would have Atom Duo, 2.4 pounds (heck, make it 1.2 pound), 13.3 inch screen, <1" thick, 320GB hd, 8 hours battery life, Mac OS 10.5/XP, MacBook Air form factor, any color but white, 3 usb, dvd slot, etc, and <$500.

Oh, and if you want a 10" screen, then you can have that too, when I am queen of netbookdom ^_^

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