Thursday, December 18, 2008

Competition time: Win 128GB Runcore SSD for Asus Eee PC or 64GB for Dell Mini 9

Yep, goodies to go!

Continue reading.. is giving away:

128GB Runcore mini pcie SSD, which will speed up your Asus Eee PC 900, 900A, 901 or 1000

64GB Runcore mini pcie SSD for your Dell Mini 9

How to enter to the contest:

1. Subscribe to jkkmobile YouTube channel ( click the Subscribe button )

2. Write here, to the comments:
- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

3. Hope for the best

Winners will be picked 29th December at 21:00 CET on live event here at

RunCore SSD winners will be picked live in an hour.. Join to talk some SSD and ultra mobile stuff!

Jump to live broadcast..

UPDATE: Winner for 128GB is Jacktek and winner for 64GB one is Franciscoqt !!!

Check the Runcore SSD on Dell Mini 9 video

Check the Runcore SSD on Asus Eee PC video

Thanks Runcore and MyDigitalDiscount for the SSDs!

Related News:


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Anonymous said...

Awesome that you're doing this JKK. Can't wait to see how many comments you get!

Anonymous said...


great competition! :o)

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The ASUS one.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Best SSD for EeePC today!

- your YouTube name for identity
It´s "pufi2" ;)


Anonymous said...

yippy... here i go:
- i would like the one for ASUS ;)
- Runcore SSD is so fast and very affordable! i fell in love with Runcore SSD since you've reviewed it. i've been looking at the 16GB model for my 900A but it seem that they're still out of stock. anything higher than that is a bit out of my budget. so i'm hoping that i would win this competition ;)
- just subscribe to your youtube channel using username > mobilebomb

thanks jkkmobile! great competition ;)

Steven said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- Asus, please.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
- For a better Eeepc! Also, if I win, I will send out my 32GB (MDSSD32MLC-P) MyDigitalSSD to a runner up of your choosing!

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )
- 0balance0

Anonymous said...

I would use the Runcore SSD in my asus EEEpc to have access to my library of scanned comicbooks on the run!

My youtube username is socius

Anonymous said...

- I would LOVE to get the Asus SSD !
- Why? Because since i read your review i immediately knew that the Runcore SSD is the solution i was looking for since i bought my 901: it's SUPER FAST ! just perfect for my little babEEE, and 128 Go is greaaaaaaaaaaat! I NEED this one, please ! (plus,my dog died last week :P)
- My youtube name is Yorta1987

Anonymous said...

- The asus one
- I have been excited about the runcore since you showed it here. I was saving up for the 16gb version, but the 128 would be incredible. I never considered having a drive in my eee that would double its value. This is really generous of you, Runcore and MyDigitalDiscount.
**excuse the embarrassing name.

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus Baby!
- why do you want Runcore SSD
As my 901 doesnt have a zif adapter this would be quite useful in upping the storage.
- your YouTube name for identity


Anonymous said...

So, far away from across the ocean (Germany),
- Asus Eee 901 - the first and only Netbook
- Runcore, of course! Well, isn´t it just that Asus forgott to order and put them in the EeePC?
- CobraMKII (for those, who remember...)

Anonymous said...

Hello jkk..

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I would like the ASUS
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because this will be the best upgrade for my slowww 900a
- your YouTube name for identity

Happy Holidays,

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
I bought the 16GB eee which is very slow and I'm suffering.
- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...


-Love the Dell one
-Because stock sucks

mtotho said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
16+4 is to slow. 80gb hard drive is too slow. 128 is more capacity and faster +ssd for reliability.

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

same as this- mtotho

Juanjo Marín said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus, please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
To turn my Asus 901 in unbeatable replacement of my laptop ( documentation and multimedia stuff) for travels.

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I want ASUS SSD!!!! :o)

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because my boyfriend told me it would be really great for my eeepc 901... And as I saw your video, I believe him now. ;o)

- your YouTube name for identity

Unknown said...

- 64Gb for mini 9

- because the mini usb master/slave on board is a geanius though. this guy knows for good they're market. i'm really impress with this feature, a really smart move. and off course, speed matters :)

- D4V1C0

Unknown said...

- which one you want
Asus 128GB

- why do you want Runcore SSD
16+4 is to slow. on my EEE 901
The 128 is more capacity and fast

- your YouTube name for identity

Unknown said...

- which one you want
Asus 128GB

- why do you want Runcore SSD
16+4 is to slow. on my EEE 901
The 128 is more capacity and fast

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...


- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because Runcore drivers are excitingly fast and having a drive as big as 128 GB for my 900a would make it terrific!

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus O course
- why do you want Runcore SSD
To make my epic eee even more EPIC
and window bearly fit in 4gig :P
- your YouTube name for identity

Fabien said...

Hi jkk,

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I would like the Dell please.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
It's a tricky question... The first reason, the most obvious, is for its speed. The write speed of the mini9 is really annoying.

Also, I have a 4Go version (Ubuntu) and I'd like to dispose of more space in my pc and don't use USB sticks and SD to stock my stuff.

Plus I really love the USB feature which permit you to backup your files and clone a system.

A last important thing is that it's very easy to change the ssd on the mini9 and I can do it myself without problem (note for myself : Remember to plug off the battery...).

So, that's it, I think. That's why I'd like to have a Runcore SSD. ^_^

- your YouTube name for identity

Thanks for the review and the competition !

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The Asus 128 GB :)

- why do you want Runcore SSD

I dream of transforming my eee pc to a notebook that would be fast and to store my family pictures in... :) thanks jkk, by the way man.. your great..

- your YouTube name for identity

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The Asus

- why do you want Runcore SSD
The runcore ssd's are very fast, from what i have seen. I am always looking for the best performance for my electronics.

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
ASUS please.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Runcore for speed! And the size makes my 901 really mobile!

- your YouTube name for identity


Mithinco said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I want the Asus
- why do you want Runcore SSD
For more capacity and speed!
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The ASUS one

- why do you want Runcore SSD
It will make my EEE 900 a viable candidate for almost any use

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Joao Oliveira said...

Hello Jkk,

I would love the ssd for the Eee901.

I'm going to give my away my eee901 to my father sort of a christmas present and i would love, him to have a full responsive device. I was thinking on buying one new ssd to put in for him anyway so this would come really handy.

My youtube identity is BassoPT.

Thats all for now. If we dont talk before, have a nice Christamas.

Joao Oliveira.

Jayayess1190 said...

My user name on Youtube is Jayayess1190. I want the 128GB EEE SSD for my 901 because I want to put Windows 7 on it. Since the beta comes out in January, I was planning to buy a 16GB Runcore SSD, but this would be much better. Plus, I could dual boot with linux!

sweener said...

- which one you want: Dell
- Reason: speed/size 4GB is not enough! Can't wait to try OSX alongside Ubuntu.
- YouTube Name: psweener

Anonymous said...

I've beenthinking of getting th 64gb one for my dell mini 9. If I won it that would be great...

which one? the Dell mini 9 64 gb.

Why? size and speed! i mean dell doesnt even offer the 64 gb one and the 16 gb is slower then the runcore.

youtube name is Elddric

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
My Asus 1000 seems a lot slower than the one you were using in the video...

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!!!
- which one you want--Asus
- why do you want Runcore SSD

HACK AND HACK away, the love for speed, the thrill of accomplishment and the I can do it attitude drives the computer thrill seeker for more power.

- your YouTube name for identity

C0D3 R3D said...

Hey JKK,
Thank you so much for doing this!


I want the runcore SSD because it kicks ass, and because my EEE901 only has 4gb slc, which doesnt fit OSX86 on it, so it is useless to me. The 128gb runcore will be PERFECT and it will be like a gift from God!

I am dahdout at youtube

Unknown said...


ASUS please... (901 XP)
Looking for Fastest, Biggest & most reliable SSD. Runcore sounds awesome!
YouTube Identity: jbreakstone


Βασίλης said...

youtube name: basilis6

model: asus

because its free! the only way to get it is to win it! and because i am greek

Anonymous said...


B)I need more speed and capacity for my ASUS 900

C) Youtube id: Santori


Anonymous said...

- which one you want: Asus
- why do you want Runcore SSD: because they are the best and I'm tired of breaking Hard Drives
- your YouTube name for identity: ejp001

David said...

- Asus EEE 900
- I think it's obvious as to why I want the RunCoreSSD, the speed is ridiculous!! :) I'm currently using the stock SSD, and while it is quick, I wouldn't mind having something to blow away my friends and coworkers.
- My UID on YouTube is Imahottguy

Thank you for this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Make mine the Dell Mini 9

Anonymous said...

- Which one you want? ( Dell or Asus )
- Why do you want Runcore SSD?
-Because I've got yet my eee 900,and I think this is too slow for me,and I need more faster place in the case.And unfortunately in my country(Hungary) I can't by pcie ssd,neither the smaller one.:)
- your YouTube name for identity: deryler

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

this is very difficult, i would like the asus, but i would also like the dell..more on my reasoning is below

- why do you want Runcore SSD

i bought a 901 solely because of your site and videos and plan on doing everything that you do to it. as such, i have been fervently waiting for info from you on weather or not the runcore ssds for the dell mini work in the primary slot of the 901. so to explain which one i want and why: if the dell works in the primary slot at the same time as another large ssd in the secondary of the asus i would rather have the dell and take my chances upgrading the secondary at a later date. if not, i would love to have the 128gb( which would be welcome as i plan on putting vista on for at least a short time to see how it feels, and eventually windows 7) asus because it would be the best option in the world. also i plan on doing the toucscreen mod and the master usb would be useful so that i wouldnt have to do any soldering on the motherboard. You are already my hero and this would just solidify your status as my favorite person that i have never met.

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )


p.s. i work 7 days a week 20 hours a day and never take a day off, but if you have to be watching your webcast to win i will try my best to be off work and eagerly awaiting good/bad news

Anonymous said...

10 hours a day****

Anonymous said...

Want an Eee PC version of the RunCore SSD
Why? Speed and Size
youtube name: andif62

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I would like the Asus SSD for my 900A which hobbles around on its 4GB MLC and the RunCore would make it great to dual boot and to store some media.. My Youtube ID is jacktek

Unknown said...

Happy new year

- which one you want
( I wish for Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
( The storage capacity and speed would be great to replace my 8gb SSD which is almost out of space, at the current price I really could not afford to buy a new 128gb Runcore SSD and winnning it here would be great as a new year gift )
- your YouTube name for identity
( baba838 )

Anonymous said...

Happy new year!

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The ASUS one.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Best SSD for EeePC, it's fast!

- your YouTube name for identity


Unknown said...

1) Because I own an Asus, I'll choose the ASUS one.
2) As I own an 900A, I think the reason is obvious. And as I am located in Eastern Europe (Romania), there is almost impossible to aquire one.
3) My youtube id is dmihaita.

Björnen said...

1. The Asus one since I own a 901 (although the propability of winning the Dell seems so much higher!).
2. I'd like to see if it blends! ;)
3. bjornen74

Anonymous said...

1. the Dell model for my Mini 9 super-project

2. for maximum speed and four times the storage - I've just gotten a new job involving much more work with video

3. fiatkritik

Thank you, JK - keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

Thanks JKK for entertaining and professional blogs - it would seem to be difficult to go wrong if you follow your advice.

I would like the ASUS SSD for my 901
I would like the Runcore both for increased capacity but mainly for speed. Your demonstrations and speed tests are very convincing.

youtube id is AZBY1972

Happy Christmas

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
It's just what my EEE needs to become my primary PC
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Unknown said...

My YouTube ID is neilsnet
I want SSD for my EeePC 901
Would be absolutely fantastic to have a Super Fast
Runcore SSD,
I have checked out and compared the speeds and Runcore speeds are amazing!!
Good luck every one!! and thanks JKK!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome Competition!
I'm going for the Asus Runcore SSD.
Why I want it? Because it would make the perfect(even tough little late :D) christmas-present for my girlfriend and her EEE901. The SSD would turn it into a hell of a machine.
My Youtube-Name is: Battlebird23
I would love to hear from you on December 29th.

I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!



Anonymous said...

Youtube account is npChaos

I'd like the 128gb for eee, why?

Because I've been waiting a whole month for a lame 16gb from mydigitaldiscount... It's not looking good for Christmas.

ZilverZurfarn said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus ): Asus
- why do you want Runcore SSD: I want my precious to have nothing but the best!
- your YouTube name for identity: ZilverZurfarn
My 16 GB SSD will be up for grabs if I win!

Ian said...


- Which one you want: Asus
- Why?: to allow me to get even more use out of my little eee that goes everywhere with me more space and speed would be a godsend.
-youtube account: ianfrankham

Unknown said...

Hi jikkmobile,

It is Jonathan here and my youtube account is "2maxuk". I will go for the Asus eeepc one because my eeepc 901 is deadly slow and I know the fast Runcore SSD will definately change it all due to its super fast reading and writing speed. 69$ is too expensive for me because I am unemployed at the moment not to mention the 128G one so I hope I will win one. Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

I want the Asus one for my 901.

I need it because Leopard with XCode and docs is a tight fit on the standard 16GB SSD.

My YouTube name is 'mslinklater'

Oz said...

I'd like to get the asus one.
I am planning to get a cheap 900 for modding purposes. Big fast SSD would make it a great travelling device with enough room for music etc. Runcore seems to be the best one also and being a student I can't afford this lovely thing. Other mods I was thinking are touchscreen and if I happen to find very cheap portable dvd player with swiveling screen I'd like to see if I can make a tablet from it.

My youtube name is osssis1

p.s It's nice to have a great netbook modder here in Finland :D. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
JKK what you have shown us in youtube about runcore SSD is amazing and inspiring. Of course anyone with sound mind would want Runcore SSD to expand the functionality of netbook and fly freely and speedy without boundaries. Love Runcore SSD.

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

• I would love to have the asus one please!
• I want a Runcore SSD "simply" to transform my netbook into a real laptop :)
• My YouTube name is FilipeFigCorreia


Anonymous said...

- ASUS one
- why? if you've ever used slow ssd you'll know why - and these RunCore SSD are really stunning! Having that speed and capacity I'd really be able to get rid of my notebook...
- youtube: qqryqq123


Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus please
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Even with a stripped down version of XP, ramdisk doing full duty, the blinking SSD light on my 900 16G has had me drooling over Runcore's write speeds ever since you posted about them.
- your YouTube name for identity
Same as here: asdaqasdaqasdaq

Cheers! And Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Thanks JKK for this competition,
my Eee would love a fast SSD

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
--> I'd like the Asus one for my Eee 901

- why do you want Runcore SSD
--> I hate it, when my Eee lags, beacause the SSD is 100% in use and I can't enjoy using the Eee. If I had a fast Runcore SSD, my Eee would be as fast as a real notebook.

- your YouTube name for identity
My YT name is "MrGorbatsch"

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

ASUS model please :)

- why do you want Runcore SSD

I'd like to install Windows Vista on my EEE 901 - but there's nowhere near enough space on the existing 4GB drive.

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )


Cheers :)

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus, please, thank you!

- why do you want Runcore SSD
The answer is simple. The major downside of netbooks is that they don't have enough space to store data. So if it has large capacity, I don't have to worry about storing my data in usb drive or elsewhere. Also the read/write speed would be faster, creating more enjoyment when using the netbook.

- YouTube name: kevin8o8

Saperalot said...

Hello jkk wonderful that you doing this.

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
of course my 900 second ssd is a bit slow and has not enough space.

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )
my youtube name is bergluefterl

Thanks and merry christmas to you and your family ;-)

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )


- why do you want Runcore SSD

EXTRA storage won't harm, but i am actually waiting for Window 7, and also waiting for the 9400M support for atom, would be nice to have some FAST extra storage.

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )


luv xxx

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
I have a 900 and a 1000H and can't believe how slow the 900 is when using the 16GB SSD as a boot device. The 4GB runs out of space far too soon for an OS so with this Runcorn SSD I will be able to load windows on it properly and finally give it to my mum to allow her to learn to use the internet and keep in touch with friends and relatives abroad.

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )
AdamElphickLondon on YouTube

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The Asus one please..

- why do you want Runcore SSD
It seems a very much needed upgrade for me.

- your YouTube name for identity
that would be evangelostube

Kind Regards jkk!!

Anonymous said...

That´s amazing, nice idea for Christmas time, JKK.
Thank´s alot for this.

- which one you want
The Dell one

- why do you want Runcore SSD
the same why i wanted a Netbook... I´m freaky
enough to use is Day in, Day out ;c)

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- which one: Asus

- why do I want a Runcore SSD:
SSD is the way of the near future for fast and *reliable* data storage. I need the reliability in my portables! Also my 901 Go, arriving today, would be awesome with a Runcore SSD in it.

- my YouTube name:

Sergio Costa Val said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- Dell Please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
- I allways used big laptops with big screens and big keyboards. I am a big guy: 6'3". The last year I went faced 3 cirurgies in my column and now I must avoid carrying inecessary weight. The problem is I work as an IT consultand and must carry a notebook with me all day. A NetBook was the solution. At first I thought I would miss my laptop but now I really love my small UMPC. The onlu major flaw I see in my netbook is it SSD: small and slow. The Runcore SSD would solve this problem and allow me be fully productive in my daily work.

- your YouTube name for identity
- My YouTube name is scostaval

franciscoqt said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- Dell, por favor.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
- Is the BEST SSD available
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )
- franciscoqt

Anonymous said...

- which one you want?
The one for Asus eee pc 901 GO

- why do you want Runcore SSD?
Because it's fast and I really need more space (I have 16 GB)

- your YouTube name for identity?

Anonymous said...

Hi jkkmobile, I've been reading your blog for a long time, and you're one of my idols :)=

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

Asus one please =)

- why do you want Runcore SSD

I'm running a Chinese blog in Hong Kong with a lot of Eee PC tutorial and review articles. I'd posted the first review of Super Talent 64GB MLC SSD for Eee PC in early November and another first review of esi-HK 12000mAh battery back in October. For both reviews, I discovered some defects about their products and informed the representatives of both esi and Super Talent in Hong Kong to fix the problems, and eventually the problems were fixed =)

I'm willing to perform some detail tests on the 128GB Runcore SSD in a female end-user perspective ^^", including read/write speed comparisons between the Asus stock, Super Talent and Runcodre SSDs in real-life scenarios.

- your YouTube name for identity


Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

Hi JKK - I'd like the Dell please

- why do you want Runcore SSD

I have to tell you that I really had no intention of buying the Dell Mini 9 until I saw your videos on SSD and memory upgrading. AWESOME! I want to swap out to XP Pro and need the full MS Office install for work and still want some storage for video and photo files and associated software. And the uptick in speed will really make the Mini fly!

-Your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )


Thanks Dude ...

jpmatrix said...

great !

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
lets say Asus, i hope it will work on my fujitsu u1010!

- why do you want Runcore SSD
to replace my 40gb slow hdd :)

- your YouTube name for identity

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus, please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because they have the best there is

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Thanks, man, love your work!

Anonymous said...

Runcore = SPEED


Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
I need more space for porn (*wink*)
The need for speed most importantly

- your YouTube name for identity

Yoru said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
128GB Runcore mini pcie SSD, for Asus eeePC

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Default SSD is too slow for every day work

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you)

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
its cheapest, fastest and recommended
plus i wanna test out how long it lasts under WinXP
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Unknown said...

Dell Mini9 SSD
I just got a Dell Mini9 and included drive too slow and too small. Please please please Santa!
YouTube account: vincentfox

Anonymous said...

Hi, JKK, great competition!

i'd like the SSD for my Asus EEEPC 901

my 901go (italian version) has the new ultra speed asus SSD, but 16Gb is too small for my multimedia files. The new Runcore 128Gb is the only SSD mixing great reading/writing speed with high capacity and reasonable price: a must have! and a wonderful gift for my little netbook ^_^

on YouTube my name is heavyhms

Neil said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because the slow SSD on my 901 is the one thing stopping it being the ultimate road warrior machine!
- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- which one you want:
Dell 64GB

- why do you want Runcore SSD:
The Runcore drive is the best value and best performance.
It is the only option for PCI-e SSD, nothing else comes close.

- your YouTube name for identity:

Anonymous said...

- Want the Dell.
- Because looking at what the others want the probability of getting the Dell is higher :) (I actually want a nice hackintosh and while I would want the more storage and the 100's larger screen, I hear the Dell is a better candidate for hackintishing. So between these pros and cons...)
- YouTube (and real) name: Littvay

Anonymous said...

-Dell please

- pure speed of SSD,plus high reliability, rocks!

-Youtube: czarnikjak

sasmar said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
To make my eee even faster and bigger to store photos on the go
- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus one for my original 900 20gb linux version

- why do you want Runcore SSD
To install different linux distos and windows apps and have them actually work like they should allowing me to hack my way to world domination. [evil laugh] ;)

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

I want the Runcore 128gb ssd for my ASUS 900 so that It can be faster at reading/writing than my desktop and have more storage space so I can use my netbook as my primary computer. Runcore FTW! :)
- dateran

Unknown said...

great :-)

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus please :-)
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because the 16gb EEE-PC 901 SSDs are toooo slow
- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- which one you want
Asus 128GB

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because Runcore is the hard-core of SSD and my eee don't have a good storage only 12G.

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

I would love a Runcore SSD for my Asus eee PC 1000, for the most basic of reasons: performance! The standard secondary SSD has truly woeful write performance. It may respond quickly, but the throughput is abysmal. I'm running Linux on it, so I can't even blame Windows, as I would normally be tempted to do. 8-/
My YouTube name: stereoroid

Anonymous said...

Hello JKK,
Thank you for this nice opportunity. Here are my details:
- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
128Gb Runcore SSD for Asus
- why do you want Runcore SSD
I am a consultant for non-profit and trainer for young people. I use my Eee PC to keep and develop training and educational materials. Unfortunately, the current storage capacity of my Eee PC is very limited. Because Eee PC is my only laptop, to deal with storage limitation issue I use usb sticks to store more than 30Gb of materials. I dream to have all of them onboard and imediatly available during trainings and seminars. Because these resources will continue to constantly grow (multimedia files and newly created training materials) 128Gb is an necessary and useful upgrade. I can't afford buying one myself (price of one is my salary for several months), but still dreaming of one since you first mentioned them. So, I decided to give a try!
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

- Which one you want? ASUS
- Why do you want Runcore SSD? I love them!
- your YouTube name for identity: zeugad


Anonymous said...

Which one I want: ASUS
Why do I want Runcore SSD: Because it's fast!
YouTube name: rovpilottech

Anonymous said...

Which one you want? ASUS
Why do you want Runcore SSD? Do really speed up my 901
your YouTube name for identity: gigngogn

Anonymous said...

- which one you want
128MB SSD for my EEE 901
- why do you want Runcore SSD
I use my 901 every day in my engineering classes and its superior performance and storage would be great to have.
- your YouTube name for identity

Unknown said...

- which one you want: Asus
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because the 16gb EEE-PC 901 SSDs are slow
- your YouTube name for identity bblue1967

Anonymous said...

Hey JKK,
- which one you want ( Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD = cause i have been looking at your site for you to announce a bigger and better SSD. And i decided to try my chances and hope for the best with this contest.

- your YouTube name for identity ( LAWLAWJAI )

Thanks a whole bunch, this will be the best Christmas Gift if i win, and thanks in advance.


Chad said...

I would like the Asus. I have an Asus that needs more power!

My YouTube name is ChadWSmith

Theodore said...

Everyone have a Happy New Year away from fear and full of good health.

As for the lottery
- I want the one for ASUS
- I want it because it is difficult to find something like that here in Greece
- You can contact me under the name patreas

Thanks for the things you do for all of us that can't...

Anonymous said...

1) I'd like the Asus one, pleaze.

2) Ever since I got my 1000H I've bitched and moaned about performance being too "sticky" (system responsiveness). I've had my eye on SSDs for a while, but they're all out of my league, even the 32GB ones. So, why Runcore? Because some sites of legend have reviewed it and said great things about it... and it's the only chance I get to have one. :)

3) Youtube ID: LemmingOverlord

niko said...

Hey JKK,

I would first say thank you for your blog. I've been following your work for years now and I love it. Count me in as a fan :)

Second I would love to be lucky enough to get the Dell SSD for my mini9. I know some say that 64Gb is not enough... but for me it is fine. Also I would love to see an increased battery life. If this can be with increased performances, that's perfect!

My Youtube ID is Nikotttin

Cheers and keep up the good work.


Gordon 432 said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Sono italiano! perchè Runcore è come una bella ragazza!!!

- your YouTube name for identity


Anonymous said...

Great competition jkk,

I would love the asus version
My 901 has very little space left,was going to buy a 32gb from mydigital after your glowing reviews but......
My youtube ID eburyernie

Unknown said...

- Which one: I want the one for the Asus EEE PC
- Why: I need to get my EEE PC leaping up to the next level.
- YouTube name: samerkatta

Anonymous said...

I go for the asus version.
I orderd the 32 gb version but received the wrong version (not my fault) so send it back. And now it looks like the ssd is lost in mail. I am hoping for courtesy on mdd's side. But who knows will the 128 gd disk wil come just at the right moment.

Jkk thanx and enjoing your video's

Anonymous said...

WHAT: the one for EEE
WHY: to test the EWF tweak on XP, much like the one described here
WHO: my youtube name is "2202003"

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I want the runcore for ASUS and I like SSD´s because HD´s are "yestertech". SSD´s will be faster and more efficient.

Youtube nick: 67123piet

Anonymous said...

Which one: the Asus version.

Why: I want my Eee PC 900 to start behaving like a real computer, and stop behaving as if it had a brain tumor!

Who: TheCanadianPublic

Anonymous said...

- the asus one
- get better performance out of my eee
- gb2kitchen

Anonymous said...

Which one: Dell
Why: I bought a basic Mini 9 (Ubuntu 8.04) because of its lack of moving parts and its (future) mod-ability. Over time I want to mod it into my main (primary) computer. Adding a bigger 64 GB SSD would be the perfect first step!
My YouTube name: netbookdude

Anonymous said...

2. Write here, to the comments:
- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Which? - Asus version
Why? - It's the fastest SSD right now and i wanna speed up my Eee 901 as well as get more storage
Who? - Krigskoen

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus, please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
It will make my 901 even sweeter

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus please
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Beacause i have a slow 16gb ssd in a eee900
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Anonymous said...

- Asus
- Great speed and capacity
- vunderbaum

Anonymous said...

Hi jkk
- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus please
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because I have eee pc 1000 and it would be a great improvement to space and speed, then I can use the ssd from my eee pc 1000 in my 701 where I installed a mini pci connector . This would make 2 great machines in to fantastic machines.
- your YouTube name for identity.
Ps More live broadcasts with Chippy please and I also dislike vegetables

Anonymous said...

my youtube id is somekewldudethe ssd i want is the runcore ssd of the dell mini 9

Anonymous said...

because i need it to run some coding im doing at the moment and it would be great to win cause i would love to try and self-install this ssd
hope i win

youtube id somekewldude

Anonymous said...

which one you want : Asus
- why do you want Runcore SSD
I could do with the speed boost and extra storage space without having to worry about any moving parts which I currently have to deal with in HDD!

- your YouTube name for identity : tonysdczhou

Delta said...

I'd like to give higher performance to my asus and the runcore ssds are better then my current.
my youtube id is :sekkenpwnz

Anonymous said...

Hi jkk love your live broadcasts and very helpful videos and website.

which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
asus for my 900

- why do you want Runcore SSD
I could do wih the speed and extra space and the clone feature will make the install easy. Thats gooooood
- your YouTube name for identity

Unknown said...

- which one you want
Asus please kind sir ;)
- why do you want Runcore SSD
I will be getting a EeePC 901 for Christmas and will mainly be using it for work and in my backpack on my Motorbike to pipe music and run GPS programs via a bluetooth headset I have integrated into my helmet. Also to store more movies and the likes ;) Oh and I was gonna get the 64gig anyway but winning the 128gig would be so much sweeter :D
- your YouTube name for identity

Frank said...

* Which one you want
- ASUS of course!

* Why do you want Runcore SSD
- Well i was waiting laptop/notebook have 2 disk drive. Well ASUS make it happen! And the great is a Netbook! I always pick up ASUS for my PC & Laptop. This SSD technology I already waiting since I know about HDD in first place wondering why must use metal to save the data? We can save environment and make it GREEN. The fantastic was this RUNCORE make it happen true about SSD in term small, powerful, speed, works and technology! (Compare to HDD which is i don't like it anyway, I have a lot HDD after 3 years usage it spoil). In fact the USB port in SSD is was a great innovation for SSD mini PCI-e PCIe. Although is still MLC and what happen to SLC? :p Can't wait!

* Your YouTube name for identity (I will use it to contact you)
- cronosmachine

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
I want to use it for Mac OSX.

- your YouTube name for identity

Reva Skie said...

1. Subscribe to jkkmobile YouTube channel ( click the Subscribe button ) done and done

2. Write here, to the comments:
- which one you want-Dell please
- why do you want Runcore SSD- my under the hood is lacking a bit.
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you ) melonworm

3. Hope for the best-check!

Anonymous said...

Write here, to the comments:
- which one you want:
the Dell

- why do you want Runcore SSD:
getting my brother a Mini 9 for x-mas and this will make it a better machine

- your YouTube name for identity:

Charles Edward Pax said...

1) I would like the 64 GB Runcore mini pcie SSD
2) I teach physics at Technology High School in Newark, New Jersey [0] and I've gotten myself into a bit of trouble. The hard drive in my Gigabyte M912M (via Mobix) has some how been physically damaged by myself and the classroom has been negatively impacted. I would like this to not happen again and I think a SSD is the solution.

For the past two weeks I've been booting Ubuntu 8.10 from a USB drive [1], which allows me to project notes and show videos on the whiteboard, but this is only part of what I could do when I was running Windows XP [2]. Inspired by Johnny Lee's wiimote smartboard video [3] I normally have connected to the M912M via Bluetooth a Nintendo Wii remote control, calibrated using Smoothboard [4], so we can use Smart Notebook smartboard software [5]. We also run PhET physics simulations [6], Phun physics sandbox [7], physics videos from Rutgers University (my alma mater) [8], and other cool stuff.

The students enjoyed the class much more two weeks ago than they do now. Even the shy kids would volunteer to stand in front of the class when given the oportunity to use the smartboard. I'm a bit short on cash and this gift to my students and I would go well used and greatly appreciated.

-charlie763 (youtube)

P.S. Here is a neat trick for attaching a wiimote or camera strap to the M912. Remove the screw from the case's bottom near the kensington lock port, seperate the bottom and top halves of the case using your finger nails, and place the loop of the strap through the lock port and around the plastic pilar the screw screws into. Put the screw back and you can now hold you M912 with confidence that a bump to the elbow will not send your computer crashing to the floor.

[1] For getting wireless and the touch screen working see
[2] I prefer Ubuntu, but it just doesn't run some of the software I need to use. Urgh!.

Unknown said...

- which one you want
the Asus one

- why do you want Runcore SSD
to speed-up - space-up my 901XP and beacuse I really like the 2 onboard USB for many uses

- your YouTube name for identity
my identity is "marcotrumpet"


GadgetBoi said...

which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
It is just what the doctor ordered for my Dell Mini 9 to improve performance and let me install all those extra programs that won't fit on the 16 gig
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Anonymous said...


- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
The original SLC 4GB is way too small, and the MLC 16GB is too slow and it's pretty small too.
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you


Anonymous said...


- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

* Asus please.

- why do you want Runcore SSD

* Fast and reliable.. and its SOLID, shake rattle and roll, data rockin' (in safety)

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

* TattiePeeler

Thanks for your time JKK.


Anonymous said...

- which one you want - Asus

- why do you want Runcore SSD
- My little Asus is great for traveling, but I often find myself wishing I had more storage space. I have checked out many of the SDD upgrades available for my Asus. My conclusion is that the Runcore modules are reported to have the fastest read/write speeds while still being in a reasonable price range. Having one in my machine would make living with my Asus more pleasant and rewarding.

- your YouTube name for identity - mymatrix99

Unknown said...

which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
>> Asus, please!!

Why do you want Runcore SSD
>> my Eee 702 is very slow; it can't even load map Garmin Mobile PC properly. I need to wait more than 5 minutes, just to browse the map!!

your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )
>> "mycapsules"

Anonymous said...

Dell SSD Please
I want the Runcore because of speed and affordability
YouTube name= gbang70

Unknown said...

I'm pretty disappointed in JKKMobile. I originally discovered this website while googling for ssd upgrade possibilities for the HP Mini 1000. In a forum JKK posted a link to his website stating that he had an ssd he would announce for the HP 1000 that was a performer. That was over a month ago! I've checked this website for three weeks straight, and submitted two comments expressing my interest in the unnamed ssd and still JKK fails to deliver. If he cant deliver on something as simple as an announcement, I wouldn't put alot of faith in this contest either. You've lost credibility in my eyes JKK.

Anonymous said...

Will, the wait has nothing to do with him. Just wait you will see it soon.

Unknown said...

If his hands are tied on making an announcement due to a manufacturer's objection then he should followup his initial post with an update stating the reason. Until I see such a post however; I'm left with no recourse but to call it what it is: an undelivered promise.

Anonymous said...

you're awesome

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Desperately need to upgrade my eee in order to keep using it

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

You will understand why he could not post anything. Wait a few days.

Unknown said...

You clearly have some insight on this matter, so I'm going to assume you represent the manufacturer of the forthcoming SSD. Since you've taken the time to address my concerns, I thought I'd share with you my issue. I've gone ahead and purchased the HP Mini 1000 in spite of my reservations over it's HDD performance. I did so largely because of the assurance from JKK that he had inside information on an SSD upgrade module for this unit. My complaint arises from the lack of follow-up. I understand issues rear their ugly heads, deadlines are pushed back, but I am also a firm believer in communication. If you make a claim, back it up. If you find you can't meet a deadline, take the time to inform your readers of the obstacles you face. It's a matter of integrity, and should not be taken lightly.

Chef Ken said...

The 900's cool
I ain't no fool
But lackin' drive and
That's no jive
The Runcore's bad
It'll give me speed
My Asus needs
128 gig.

- Zygomat / Chef Ken

JKK said...

William, SSD week went wide due family reasons, I talked about it on live sessions...There were also some product related waiting,, I dont typically post personal stuff here..

Best news still is that good stuff is still about to come. Just wait few more days.

Anonymous said...


I'm a EEE PC 901 user, and my youtube ID is solarcom78.

I been looking to speed up my 901's I/O access, as well as increase its capacity so I can double it as PMP when I travel.

Thanks for providing this opportunity.

Anonymous said...

- which one you want
The one for Asus 900!

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because it seems really fast (and big!) :)

- your YouTube name for identity

Emilio Genazzini said...

Which? - Asus version

Why? - It's the fastest SSD right now and i want speed up my Eee 901 as well as get more storage

your YouTube name for identity

Gerard Samija said...

- I wish to win the model for the Asus, as I have recently bought a 901 XP model

- To quote someone no one is likely to know and from the somewhat distant past... "I crave speed and power!" So why not have a 128GB SSD with blistering speed? It seems a natural extension of the 2GB RAM and the 1.1mm touchscreen kit coming to me now from eBay stores. This wee little Eee PC is just great, already works very well, but will no doubt provide every feature I want with these additions. Having been a Pocket PC user for 8 years, I look at my 901 as being a big PPC. With great battery life and fast wake-up from standby, it may as well BE a PPC in terms of convenient use.

- My YouTube identity is my actual name - gerardsamija

Thank you so much for all the brilliant work you have done in making the netbook experience (and the netbook shopping experience) fun and well informed. You are providing an invaluable service for all interested folks.

Unknown said...

Which? - I'd like the ASUS model.

Why? - Speed, more storage without moving parts.

You Tube ID: spazwaddles

Unknown said...

-Going to Japan in a few months and it would be nice to bring along my 901 without an external drive.

Anonymous said...


-Transforms my Asus 901 to a powerful computer.


Anonymous said...

- which one you want

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because having 16Gb of storage with 2GB of is kind of depressing. The same ratio for my desktop computer would mean 125GB of RAM (although that would be kind of nice).

- your YouTube name for identity

NikLP said...

I would absolutely love a new Runcore SSD for my Eee 901, because I love it to bits and making it run faster would be the best christmas present in the current economic climate - plus I'd shower Runcore with all the free publicity I could get my hands on!

Here's hoping - have a good christmas JKK, we look forward to more great content in the new year!


Afront said...

Which one: Asus

Why: If JKK says they're the best, then Runcore must be the only choice!

YouTube Name: Afront

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
It's free. I'm Scottish.
It's fast. I think I am.
It's clever. I'm not.
It's the perfect partnership.

- your YouTube name for identity

Unknown said...

- which one you want: Dell
- why do you want Runcore SSD: to increase storage capability
- your YouTube name for identity: gittitube

homefixers said...

which one: asus
why: love more memory
really need a bit more speed
love my eeepc 901
if you say there good then it works for me

Happy christmas


Anonymous said...

- which one you want: Dell

- why do you want Runcore SSD: to install two OS

- your YouTube name for identity: diox92

Anonymous said...

- Asus, please!!!
- to up the storage and still have a speedy solution!
- bdime

Chef Ken said...

(Redux -- better rhyme!)

The 900's cool
I ain't no fool
But lackin' drive and
That's no jive
The Runcore's bad
But Asus needs
128 gig
To boost the speeds

- Zygomat / Chef Ken

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The Asus, my eeepc 901 would love it's internal ssd upgraded.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
It looks like a fantasic upgrade for my eeepc. I've already upgraded the RAM to 2GB and I think it would be even more of a dream to use with a large speedy SSD.

I use my eeepc as my main machine and it would let me do more with larger files like photos and mp3's.

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- dell mini 9
- to increase my storage with an optimal solution!
- davsau

Mitch M said...

I'd love to get the 128GB Runcore mini pcie SSD for my EEEPC 1000! I love the little computer, but is sure isn't the fastest thing on the market.

Mitch M said...

Youtoob id Mitch10st

jjwagner said...

Howdy folks:

- which one you want (Dell)
- why do you want Runcore SSD (Because after installing OS X on my Mini9, I barely have any space left on the stock SSD!)
- your YouTube name for identity (Fauxfive55)

Anonymous said...

Hello all:

- which one you want
- why do you want Runcore SSD
I think it's the best upgrade
- your YouTube name for identity

Thank you and congratulations for this great web :-)

Unknown said...

Hi JKK, hi all.....i really would like the Asus version, why i would like to get it? i use it , the 901, for my photos, put them on it when im making photos of old buildings,old factories,old industry, and use PS cs 4, so i need quit a bit of GB!!! and because i'm was a "good" boy all year, behaved good all year, no car crashes orso....and bought the 901!!! this thing happend to me on pc stuff, really love it! Nice X mas everybody!!!

maikdebaik grtzzz

Anonymous said...


Your tests show Runcore SSD is fast.


Anonymous said...

- which one you want Asus
- why do you want Runcore SSD? I bought the Eee 900 and got the super slow SSD. I literally got the worst SSD possible. I really need an upgrade for my Eee PC But don't have the money at this time in life.
- your YouTube name for identity? Mine is op2rules

Anonymous said...

- Asus
- 'Cause I NEED IT ! !
- Koolwyze

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus, please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because my 900 8GB need it, very slow.. and runcore is the best

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Thanks, man, your work is great!

Anonymous said...

-much faster and much more space. i will love it ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey JKK!

First I'd like to say thanks for doing this, it's really cool.

I'd like the Asus one. I still have the 16GB SSD that cames with my 901. I dont need to tell you how those are. At first I was planning on putting a 1.8" HDD, but I bought my 901 after they stopped putting them in. And since I am not experienced with soldering, I was pretty much out of luck. I want to win the Runcore SSD because it wouldd sove everything, and plus they are better than HDDs, the SSDs are just pretty expensive.

My YouTube name is TJaaaaay. Subscribed to you a while back!

Anonymous said...

Hello JKK!

* Dell Mini 9!
* Speed! Space! Free as in beer! :)
* husaysan

Anonymous said...

its so fast it hurts

DTrain said...

Thanks for the opportunity.

-I would like the Runcore SSD to have more options to experiment with my 901. Winning the ASUS would allow me to buy a Dell for the C:drive
-YouTube name indyjonz44

ramarlv200 said...

Which one you want?

Why do you want the Runcore SSD?
-Because the stock 8GB one that comes with the XP EEE 901 is HORRENDOUSLY slow. I am a college student without a budget and would appreciate a drive with better performance. With the stock SSD, it takes sooo long to open firefox that most times I just use Google Chrome instead. With a fast SSD, I would be able to store a generous amount of music/movies/applications and access them much quicker.

Your YouTube name for identity.

Anonymous said...

- ASUS! (for my EeePC 901)
- Good speeds, and awesome storage potential. I plan on dual booting OS X and vlited Vista!
- Youtube: scottdog1515

Anonymous said...

**** Asus
**** use for the first time a run core SSD in this part of the world
**** You Tube: jclopex

Hoshishi said...

Great idea to have a competition!

Format: Asus Eee 901

Reason: It's so incredibly sad that the Eee is limited so drastically out of the box by it's stock SSD...I already cherish my Eee, however I would like to see it reach it's full potential!

YouTube id: Zoebabies

Fingers crossed, and thanks for all your reviews to date, they're inspiring!!

Anonymous said...

Great idea for a competition since Christmas is around the corner.

- Asus or Dell?
I would like the ASUS for my 900

- Why do i want a runcore ssd?
Well im suffering the slow speeds of the 16gb 900 model which i recently bought and i know the runcore ssd will provide the speed (and capacity) from what ive seen in the benchmarks you do in your videos. The runcore ssd is affordable however the price of a 128gb ssd is far from my reach and i just know this can improve my experience with the eeepc if i simply had one.

-Youtube Name?
Youtube name is "cyntaxaffect"

Thanks for your insightful videos and great advice, hope you have a merry chirstmas and a happy new year.

Anonymous said...


I would like the 128Gb Runcore SSD for ASUS PC1000.
I want a SSD because it makes no noise, are faster than Asus default SSD and because I want to use my netbook as a battle machine on the work. I´d like to make 3 partitions and install vista in the first one, ubuntu on the second one and Solaris 10 on the third one. I have also tested ubuntu and solaris on a 16Gb SD card and worked pretty well with Asus pc1000, I have also installed solaris 10 on an external HardDisk, cons are that it has limited support on new hardware but I´d like to see working unix on ordinary machines and of course on SSD storage with decent speeds.

My YouTube is: joemx10.



Anonymous said...

1: Asus
2: It's fast :D and you're cool.
3: Scandrew7

Jeremy said...


2. Perfect companion for my 901.
3. jezhill


Anonymous said...

1: Asus
2: It has enough storage and it's fast!
3. amoult

Anonymous said...


I'm not a Mac.
I'm not a PC
I'm an Eee.

I'd seriously appreciate that little slice of Silicon Heaven on earth for my Asus 901.

I've been waiting patiently to upgrade from my 701 since JKK's first 901 review, and now that I finally have my hands on one I find I've missed out on the ZIF party! Some epic SSD action would bring a huge smile to his little digital face.

Cheers from (ID) Fnordish

Anonymous said...

1. I would like the SSD for the Dell Mini 9

2. I would use it in my Raon Everun Note--I got the one with the 24 GB SSD, but would REALLY like the speed of the Runcore in my machine!!

3. rkellyfitz is my Youtube user name

Anonymous said...

1. I'd like to speed up a Dell Mini 9.

2. Runcore SSDs are the way to go: They fix the speed problem in netbook storage.

3. My Youtube username is XNeo2001.

Anonymous said...

hi JKK! thankyou for doing this, you´ve deff convinced me that ssd is the way to go, i´ve been saving for a little while now, but its still pretty expensive. if possible i´d love the 64gb Runcore SSD for my dell mini please. i love my dell mini - its so useful and i´ve got it set up and running just the way i like it, but i´ve had so many normal hard drives die on me that i just dont trust em anymore, and i´d hate to lose all my settings and tweaks AGAIN because of a stupid HHD. the speed bump would be great too of course! my youtube name is DMONZ1988. again thankyou for giving away such great goodies. have a lovely christmas. d

Anonymous said...

1. 128GB Runcore mini pcie SSD

2. I have a long way to travel to work and since we dont got internet there the only entertainment I get during the weekend is from the 901, but you can only fit that many movies on the 12gb. Im thinking of guying a nettop with a big harddrive, but I really like not having to wory with the ssd, but big ssds are to expensive for me.

3. superdesumachine

Redback said...

1. 64gb SSD for Dell

2. I want to test it out on the internal SSD slot on my 901, I hear they work and want to try it out but cant really afford one just for that :P

3. hasseltii

Anonymous said...

- The Asus version (for Eee PC 901)

- The Eee PC is perfect for my use. Almost only thing that annoys me is the sluggish SSD from time to time. The Runcore SSD would make this little machine even closer to perfection.

- youtube name: choop222

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I'm in for the Asus

- why do you want Runcore SSD
I really like the idea of SSD and I believe that it's going to be the next disruptive technology in data storing. Where traditional HDD offers more of the same, SSD enters the scene with a clear disadvantage concerning the traditional parameters (amount of GB, price per GB etc.), but instead it rewards you with a whole new set of advantages. The SSD in my Eee offers me some of these advantages, but lacks seriously in terms of others.
That's why I would like a Runcore SSD, because a descent SSD would increase the performance of my Eee and give me a better day-to-day experience using it.

- your YouTube name

Anonymous said...

(Please disregard the previous post, I accidentally wrote my google name instead of my YouTube name)

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I'm in for the Asus

- why do you want Runcore SSD
I really like the idea of SSD and I believe that it's going to be the next disruptive technology in data storing. Where traditional HDD offers more of the same, SSD enters the scene with a clear disadvantage concerning the traditional parameters (amount of GB, price per GB etc.), but instead it rewards you with a whole new set of advantages. The SSD in my Eee offers me some of these advantages, but lacks seriously in terms of others.
That's why I would like a Runcore SSD, because a descent SSD would increase the performance of my Eee and give me a better day-to-day experience using it.

- your YouTube name

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I would love the Runcore for Asus EEE PC

- why do you want Runcore SSD
I have always wanted to use my eee pc as a sort of mobile computing/entertainment unit with tons of movies. So a bigger (and faster) storage would be awesome.
Also, I would really like to make my classmates' jaw drop after dissing my eee pc for the tiny two-ssd storage :)

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- Asus one
- My 901 needs a speed and capacity boost :-)
- blackthorn0001

Alex said...

Many thanks for an opportunity at this generous promotion!

To answer your questions...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus, please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Speed, speed, and, more speed

- your YouTube name for identity
alexburkert ( at gmail dot com)

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