Thursday, December 18, 2008

Competition time: Win 128GB Runcore SSD for Asus Eee PC or 64GB for Dell Mini 9

Yep, goodies to go!

Continue reading.. is giving away:

128GB Runcore mini pcie SSD, which will speed up your Asus Eee PC 900, 900A, 901 or 1000

64GB Runcore mini pcie SSD for your Dell Mini 9

How to enter to the contest:

1. Subscribe to jkkmobile YouTube channel ( click the Subscribe button )

2. Write here, to the comments:
- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

3. Hope for the best

Winners will be picked 29th December at 21:00 CET on live event here at

RunCore SSD winners will be picked live in an hour.. Join to talk some SSD and ultra mobile stuff!

Jump to live broadcast..

UPDATE: Winner for 128GB is Jacktek and winner for 64GB one is Franciscoqt !!!

Check the Runcore SSD on Dell Mini 9 video

Check the Runcore SSD on Asus Eee PC video

Thanks Runcore and MyDigitalDiscount for the SSDs!

Related News:


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Anonymous said...

- which one you want:
Asus for my lovely 901
- why do you want Runcore SSD:
The 20 gigs I have seems to be running out pretty fast and as a student SSDs aren't easily affordable. Also the speed boost is very welcome. :)
- your YouTube name for identity:

Unknown said...

For: Asus 900 PC XP
I am excited about the potential of a 128GB SSD on this fast, wonderful machine. WOW!!
You Tube ID: daulthou
Thanks foe the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

- I'd like the one for Asus
- to have better EEEPC
- I am franzigon

Anonymous said...

What a very nice person you are giving these away!

- Which one you want? ( Dell or Asus )
The one for the Asus please! 128gb is a BEAST! I remember my first computer experience ... 20mb harddrive on a 386 (with a maths coprocessor for added number crunching lol) when I was 5 as I remember!

- Why do you want Runcore SSD?
I love the spec as stock but really want to get into Photoshop and audio editing while on the move, the battery life makes it viable now I just need the space! I also love Vista's look but need the extra space as vlite requires too many sacrifices! ;-) Solid state is the way to go, soldering a ZIF connector for a harddrive is an option but I love the shock resistance of SSD, if dropped the casing will suffer but the data wont! :-)

- Your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

-Dell Mini 9
-Speed, Space, ......

Anonymous said...

1. I'd love a new SSD for my ASUS 901
2. I can use all the speed I can get... I run CAD apps and they need speed
3. My Youtube ID is mrhobbit007

Anonymous said...

Booyia from YouTube has just subscribed.
I want the SSD for SPEEEEEEEEED! (Oh, and storage)
Love the Runcore because everything I see tells me it is faster and larger capacity than OEM.

Anonymous said...

I'd love the 64GB Runcore for Dell, it's bigger, better, faster, and stronger than the 8 I've got now!

Youtube name is Kuhmizt


Anonymous said...

hi! love your tutorials..
- Asus 901
- I would love the runcore to boost my little beast...
- digitalf3ar

Merry xmas !!

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

I would like the Dell

- why do you want Runcore SSD

I live with the mindset that bigger & faster is better when it comes in small packages. Runcore provides both!

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )


Anonymous said...

- Dell
- The SSD capacity is really my only complaint about the Mini (I've finally gotten used to the keyboard)
- Pugnax555

Anonymous said...

****asus please *****cause its free and i ait got no job to buy one ****quaid8000

Anonymous said...

2. Write here, to the comments:

- I'd like the Asus drive, please!

- I'm in an active live band in Brighton in the UK and really want to use the Eee PC to run soft synthesisers and samplers hooked up to a MIDI controller on stage, but the 901's SSD holds back the Eee's real time audio performance (namely writing recordings to disk on the fly e.g. when looping live audio). I'm an indebted 19-year-old interactive art student in the UK so can't really afford to fund my techy projects. This SSD could help take my live shows to a new level!!

- YouTube ID: TheGreenGecko

Anonymous said...

I would love to get the Dell Mini 9 SSD.

Why ?
- The SSD would go into my EEE 1000 to replace the primary (8GB) drive;
- The extra speed and space are the two main benefits, with speed being the main one for me;
- Runcore already has the best performance/price. The only way I could possibly top that would be if I can win it for free :)

My youtube name is foobar9238.

Whether I win or not, thanks for running this contest, this is very generous of you !

Anonymous said...
1) Dell
2) Huh? I want? No not me! My Dell Mini 9 wants it! Keeps pestering me to add more storage! Bug me non stop at home, call me at work, email & text me everyday asking when it's storage gonna be increased?! Save me JKK! I love my Mini 9, but I don't like its nagging for bigger SSD *sob* and it only wants Runcore SSD!!!!! omg, gah!
3) usermail

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Bigger, faster... reason enough?
- your YouTube name for identity

Vali B said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I want the Asus
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because i can't afraid it but i always wanted one and i hope santa jkk will leave it under my christmas tree.
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Unknown said...

I ve been reading your posts since I got an eeePC 901.
I m interested in the runcore for Asus because I travel a lot and uses my Asus 901 a lot and need a speedy and roomy SSD.
my YouTube pseudo is Rfaglin.

Thanks a lot for your thorough articles.


Unknown said...

-Asus SSD
-I use the 901 to test and learn OS, not for real dayly job and need more space and speed for better testings.

Anonymous said...

hi there
I'd be soooo happy to win this contest.
if so my EeePC 901 would really appreciate the 128 Gb SSD but only if it's a Runcore, because being a member of the COHNG (Club Of Healthy Netbook Gentlemen) and after heavy discusions with other members (eee 900, dell mini 9...), it apeares like Runcore is the best to keep your netbook in perfect shape. Fast, reliable, among netbooks Runcore's reputation suffers no comparison.
you can trust my Eee 901 on that !!

my Youtube nickname is: lejohfr

best regards

Ivo said...

Great Contest :)

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The Dell :)
- why do you want Runcore SSD
The name says it all -RUNcore
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Unknown said...

1. Asus

2. Saisin 901:n vihdoin horrokseen/hibernateen 2 kk valmiustilan jälkeen :)
Tilaa asentaa Office ja sen jättipäivitykset!
Ei ole zif-liitintä, eikä kiintolevy muutenkaan enää houkuttele.

3. ankorpi

Hyvää Joulua!

Anonymous said...

- I'd like the Asus one, thank you.
- Because I want my Asus to run cool, quiet and FAST.
Also, I like the fact that SSD are not susceptible to shoc, this will make my netbook
a perfect mobile companion.
- YouTube name: banarelo

Anonymous said...

Happy Xmas!

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The Dell Mini 9 one.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
More Space & Speed

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

Hey -

Put me in the DELL Mini RUNCORE DRIVE. My YOU TUBE name is FDAMAN. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Which: ASUS
Why: Wrom, Wrom, Wrooooooooom... ];-D
Who: Snurrgnu

Dainen Penta said...

- I'd like the 128GB for my recently-purchased Asus Eee 900.
- Hope to win because I've been a very good boy this year. Love JKK and have been following you with my 701 and 1000H (both since have been sold). Really appreciate your in-depth videos and am amazed by your hacks/mods. I would love to do a before/after video to compare the speed(s) of the SSDs, and to see the difference with some of my office/productivity software.
- dpenta on YouTube.

Anonymous said...

Opps - I made an error on my first post so here it is again.
1. Dell Mini 64MB for me
2. The stock Dell SSD is just DAWG extra HD space is always welcome.

ades said...

* Asus

* Because im from friggin' Sweden and my 901 need some speeeeeed

* korvspades

Anonymous said...

2: The best SSD available so far!
3. heartbeattube

Anonymous said...

Name: Thelinuxkid2
Model: ASUS

I didn't know you had a youtube channel. I will checkout the videos. Thanks for the opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I would like the 128GB Runcore mini pcie SSD for the Eee PC as I, like yourself, want speed and capacity that my current ssd does not allow.

I would like a Runcore SSD because you sold me on them through your videos. We have very similar tastes. What's good for JKK is good for me as well.

Youtube name: johnnytturbo

I appreciate your generosity, and hope you keep the video reviews coming! Best of luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

- Dell
- My Dell Mini 9 needs a bit more space and a little bit of a speed boost
- lostdecoy

Anonymous said...

which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Best SSD for EeePC today!

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
ASUS (for 901 in my case)

- why do you want Runcore SSD
because 4gb is small, 16gb is slow and i simply can't afford to buy quicker/bigger ssd.

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...


- Asus EEEPC 901
- I Want more speed for my eeepc!
- My name on YouTube is: AnIdealForLiving

Bart Remans said...

* Asus Eee Pc
* YouTube ID: Bee0781
* I would like to win this contest because this website has become one of my most favored sites.
It made me open my precious Asus and I even learned soldering to implement these nice tweaks.
This SSD would definitely be a cherry on my Asus-pie!!



Anonymous said...


- which one you want ( Dell or Asus ) :
The Asus one please...

- why do you want Runcore SSD :
Just because it's the best way to replace my 16GB ssd from my 901 (linux version) and make an efficient 3 way boot (ubuntu, bactrack, XP)...

- your YouTube name for identity :

"Thank you, bye" :p and Merry Christmas...

Anonymous said...


-Daily use for speed/performance. Then, every six months or so, after backing up documents, swap in stock Dell ssd (with clean, updated Windows) and flash/reinstall os onto Runcore via usb (brilliant design!).


No1 said...

- Asus SSD
- A standard 16gb 900 drive is insanely slow
- hhn000

Anonymous said...

-I would like the runcore SSD Dell 910
-Runcore seems to be the best and most affordable SSD for my netbook, and I would really like the upgrade
-youtube user name: jeromer43

Anonymous said...

Hei JkkMobile

I would like to have 128 GB Runncore SSD for Asus EEE PC, because my EEEpc doesnt have good performance enough to start my programs. Everything seem pretty slow, booting up, starting programs etc.

My youtube account is: tamhaa


Anonymous said...

- Asus
-> I'm looking for the lightest netbook packed with the most functionality ever ... I peaked into the A110L w/ SSD but it didn't seem realistic ... so the Asus is my bet now
- heiko2342

Anonymous said...

- which one you want = Asus

- why do you want Runcore SSD = Well, more space basically, as I'm interested in trying various other OSes besides XP. I'd like to dual boot into Ubuntu or Hackintosh for example. The increased capacity would allow me to experiment with various OS without disrupting my usual XP installation which remains my primary one because of work. The extra boost in speed is an added advantage.
Oh, and RUNCORE = Really Uber & Nice Component to Output Road-worthy Equipment. <-that's the best i can come out with :P

- your YouTube name for identity = cspa

Anonymous said...

-I would want the Asus
-I want Runcore SSD because I upgraded to a larger ssd already but the speed is terrible, based on the numbers this would be a far superior upgrade.
-My Youtube name is superd129
By the way thanks for the reviews and the installs, the touch screen video really helped.

Anonymous said...

For the Asus 901
Because speed is what my netbook need(s)
YouTube name slybas

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I would love the Runcore for Asus EEE PC 900

- why do you want Runcore SSD
I want the perfect companion to my EEE PC
A fast, large, Solid state Drive to fill with applications and operating systems!

- your YouTube name for identity

SleepyHappy said...

I'd love the Asus one. I'd like to try and put it into my first model 701, so I have a decent amount of internal storage after applying the Aeeeris tablet mod. My YouTube name is Tired8281.

PS: Your videos rock, but YouTube runs like a very sick dog on my 701...a text summary of the main points of each video would be really great in your blog, for those of us who can't watch them right away.

Anonymous said...

(as in one of the Vegetarian Cannibals in the Monkey Island game series from LucasArts in years gone past)

I do not own a store-bought computer of any type. So, this would be my first in many years. I am a software engineer and a hobbyist who has been assembling computers for my family and friends for a long time.

Asus or Dell? Definitely, Asus. I have been doing component business with them for 10+ years. Dell is a different paradigm that I recognize is useful for a large number of folks.

I am intrigued to obtain a silent disk store. SSD fits that bill well enough in 2009. Admittedly, I have not yet done business with Runcore so I will, as usual, keep an open mind.


Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

I would love the Eee PC Runcore for my 900

- why do you want Runcore SSD

I would take the Runcore and place it in a clear plastic case, displaying it prominently on my desk so that I can look at it, marvel at the enormous SSD capacity in such a tiny chip, reflecting upon how far our civilization has advanced in such a short period of time, from Neanderthal to Cro-Magnon to Netbook, while gazing lazily out my window wondering about how many OS's I can fit on a 128 GB drive, and how I might be able to solve the problems of global poverty, climate change and disease if only I could fit my files with the solutions to these and other pressing issues on my Eee 900....

...and then, after those 5 minutes have elapsed, I would get my screwdriver, install the SSD, and bootup for Maximum Eee Power!!!!

- your YouTube name for identity

d@vK3nR3m said...

which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
ASUS please.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Runcore for speed! To speed up my pokey ASUS 16g Windows version

- your YouTube name for identity

Blue Ginger Ale said...

asus eee :D thank you

Anonymous said...

Anyone heard from Doug at runcore recently ??
I'm waiting for a replacement SSD and am not getting any joy with email. The chat link is always down as well
Getting worried

Unknown said...

- which one you want:
Dell(I own Dell Mini 9)

- why do you want Runcore SSD:
Following your reviews they seem to be the SSD TO want,but mainly because I am stuck with 8GB drive with OS X, runs amazingly fast and is great, just running out of space!

- your YouTube name for identity:

Thanks for the opportunity!! Love this site, keep up the good work!!!

Anonymous said...


-Why? Because I bought a 900a without reading your review! SSD is the future and I'm addicted, at my wallets regret, to being a part of the
future before everyone else.

-youtube name: rejctchoir

Anonymous said...

Id like the asus one, because the ssd in my 900 broke 2 days ago :(

My youtube id: milky4456

Anonymous said...

-Dell SSD
-I just received a mini 9 for Christmas and in order to save money I skimped on the storage capacity...but it would be extremely helpful for school (CAD files and such)
-llacdoog (youtube name)

Anonymous said...

Heya o_o

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus for sure
- why do you want Runcore SSD
because god told me that I want one 0_0 ...err...because a HDD netbook is thick and I like thin things :)
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

John French said...

Asus is the one I want because upgrading my brand new EEE 1000 with large and FAST storage is awesome.

I'm 'sysbomb' on YouTube!

Anonymous said...

Hi,I'm tempted to
1)choose the asus - I was given only a sluggish eeepc901 couldn't afford a more decent laptop :(
2)The 901 will get an unbelievable upgrade,which will help in my training with nanorex's nanoengineer nanocad software ( great check it yourselves).More space and greater speed.And I'll be able to make that 30GB partition for my medical ebooks and that clinical skills videos( we're about to start the clinics in internal medicine).
3) youtube nick is aetherovamonas ( he who walks on clouds in greek)

Good luck to sll snd happy new year.

Anonymous said...

The Asus version (This will be for a Eee PC 1000)

My eeepc is pretty much working nicely. I'm running Ubuntu-eee 8.04.1 with the eee-control-tray. All of the hotkeys work properly, the OS is great, and the RAM is maxed. The only thing left to upgrade is the SSD.

Youtube name: ylar34


Anonymous said...

- Asus
- Santa Claus is coming to Italy and is going to put a marvellous 901GO under my Christmas tree: he told me Runcore SSD is the best upgrade for netbooks... that's why I believe in Santa! ;-)
- "dcvffvbg"

Anonymous said...

-I would need Runcore SSD so my ASUS will run like a Antelope.

Anonymous said...

- Asus
- stock ssd is too small
- kevindgarcia

Unknown said...

which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
-Dell Please!
- why do you want Runcore SSD
I have the 8GB UK Vodafone model. nLited XP, ran XPLite, disabled pagefile etc and everything is running pretty good. I figured out the 3G card can provide GPS information so I am hurting for some more space for maps! :-) Being able to hibernate 2GB of ram would also be kind of cool come to think about it.
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you ) hcloete12345

Unknown said...


- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The ASUS version

- why do you want Runcore SSD
because it would greatly improve my eeepc experience

- your YouTube name for identity

have a good day,

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

Asus please!

- why do you want Runcore SSD

My 901 20g (w/ xp) needs a bit more size and speed than that 4GB main drive ... pokey pokey. Honestly, if I don't win yours will likely procure anyway. Seems a good purchase!

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )


Anonymous said...

1. Which one I want ( Dell or Asus )?
I want the ASUS SSD.

2. Why do I want Runcore SSD?
I want the Runcore SSD because of the USB master and slave ports. Reminds me of the Sharp Actius MM20 turns it's hard drive into a USB drive even when its turned off. Plus a USB something can go into that master USB port.

3. My YouTube name

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity!
-The Asus SSD

-I unfortunately bought the Asus 900 with the painfully slow 16gb mlc. I love the form factor and overall functionality of the EEE but a slow ssd certainly puts a damper on that!


Anonymous said...

Type: Asus SSD

Why?: I'm really impressed with the Eee PC netbooks, which makes getting online simple and affordable. The Runcore SSD is breakthrough that allows for a major improvement to Eee PC performance. With this upgrade the Eee Pc will mostly likely become my main machine!

Username: RuncoreSsd

Anonymous said...

- which one you want

- why do you want Runcore SSD
So I have sufficient speed and space when I upgrade to Windows 7.

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...


-My 16GB SSD is very slow and get angry every time I use my Eee pc...


Anonymous said...

can anyone tell me where I can get a micro usb cable for the runcore 32g ssd hard drive. my new runcore 32g ssd hard drive for Dell mini 9 did not come with micro usb cable thank you

The Dreamer said...

- which one you want ( Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD ( Need more storage in my ASUS 901, especially for mobile media )
- your YouTube name for identity ( TheDreamer68 )

Anonymous said...

I need the Runcore SSD for my Dell Mini 9!
With a Runcore SSD I can finally play Crysis ;)
youtube name: uncola1979

Anonymous said...

Asus, of course.

I think runcore SSD could improve dramatically my 900 (16GB slow) perfomance.


Anonymous said...

1. I would like the SSD for the Dell Mini 9

2. Runcore ie renowned for performance for ssd, love to ownone

3. touracojj is my Youtube user name

Anonymous said...

Variant: Asus Runcore SSD
Reason: I would like to modify the Acer Aspire One to accept this SSD for the improved speed and storage capacity.
YouTube SN: pagerc

Anonymous said...


- which one you want
asus please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
cause it rocks and the secondary ssd of asus 901 sucks...

- your YouTube name for identity

Best wishes and merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

YouTube Name:

Which One:

Because i hate the speed of the default SSD that comes with the Dell Mini 9

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Improve speed and allow carrying of more Ebooks and work documents.

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you: remjax

Anonymous said...

- Dell Mini 9
- Come on, make me a nice Christmas gift *gg*
I will bu y a mini 9 if i get the Disk

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I would love the Runcore for the Dell Mini

- why do you want Runcore SSD
For the obvious....current minimal storage and slow performance

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I would love the Runcore for Dell Mini

- why do you want Runcore SSD
For the obvious reasons of more storage and faster processing....and I love to constantly mess around with my computers.

- your YouTube name for identity

England said...

. Write here, to the comments:
I would like the Asus SSD.

I want it as it will boost the overall performance of my EEE PC. I am a student, and I am always using this little thing, and storage is constantly an issue.

Youtube Username: engl4nd24


Anonymous said...


Which one? ASUS
Why? Runcore SSD's speed will make a world of difference in personal computing.
YouTube ID? coolumtotaigum

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to get the Dell Mini 9 SSD !
- Why? Because runcore is superfast and the revied you did was awesome. I always wanted a fast netbook and the runcore is the best solution. Plus the extra storage is a plus.
- My youtube name is ootexasoo

Anonymous said...

- Dell 64gb
- install winxp and osx. faster speed.
- apexi350z

Иван Зенков said...

toki! (the language of good

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
mi wile e kiwen "128GB Runcore SSD for Asus Eee"!

- why do you want Runcore SSD
tenpo mute la mi jo e ilo sona "Eee PC" taso, ilo ni li ike tawa mi :( ona li jo ala e sona. kiwen pi ilo sona "Eee PC" li lili mute mute.

- your YouTube name for identity

eXplicit said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The 64GB Dell One

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because it's the best there is today!

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
better performance = better day2day work
- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
128GB Runcore mini pcie SSD for Asus Eee PC

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because I'm waiting for ages for your PCIE to ZIF adapter for Eee PC 901 and this is an even better solution. Besides that, you'll make up with me for letting me wait this long :) ;)

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Dell 64gb

- why do you want Runcore SSD

I design computer systems for a large transportation company. I work all the time about 16 hours per day on average.

It's not been a good year for my family and I was finally able to scratch up enough money to purchase a MINI 9. I never spend any money on myself so this was a big purchase. I was very disappointed with the speed of the SSD. I have big multi-boot plans / ideas for the DELL. I could never justify buying something like this and feel good about it.

I have been following your BLOG for many months and envy that you have time to commit to all these videos. It is a dream of mine to do something like this. Someday it will happen. I would like to demo software ideas much like your hardware videos.

My wife seriously injured her knee this year and had 3 surgeries at this point. The second surgery was due to a dog right right where the first surgery happened and she almost lost the leg from infection. We are very lucky and blessed that the doctors saved her leg. All my time and money goes to keeping my wife healthy.

If I were to win something like this, it would really pick up my spirits. I could use to have something good happen to me.

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

-Dell 64 GB
-I'd like a larger, faster SSD so I can install all the software and course materials I need to support my students outside the classroom. I teach a computer literacy class and a statistical programming class and use my Mini 9 to check on and support my students when I'm away from my office. I use many programs and have lots of materials that I need to have handy. Having everything on a large SSD would be a lot more convenient than storing some of it on an SDHC.

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
hibernate, fast write, good speed,
no bottlenecks, full performance,
video editing, multitasking
clone your system through the usb port,
good product - nothing come close :-)

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

-Dell Mini
-i want to runcore ssd, is since they make it affordable for the average joe without asking for a limb. and plus jkkmobile has shown how great of a product this is.

Unknown said...

- The Asus
- I was finally able to pick up an 900a and I love it. I chose the Eee PC because I will hopefully be working in the IT department at a book distributing business around my area by this May. I'm being hired as a systems technician but I'd like to get into network security and the Eee PC seems like a great little device for that, especially with Backtrack installed =D Having this Runcore SSD will be great for improving my efficiency.
- RudieP00

Anonymous said...

awesome contest!

could def. use the asus for my eeepc

it would be nice to be able to have my entire music library on the go, and for bringing video edits to my buddies workspace.
youtube: vokeswaagin

thanks! and merry christmas!

Adam Shields said...

-Dell one
-I would love to get a capactity boost and hopefully it would be faster.

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate the Asus style of RunCore SSD immensely. The benefits provided by the SSD are the ticket to allow me to overcome several of the problems associated with mechanical hard drives and the adoption of a netbook for my mobile computing needs. The small form factor has been a boon, but the machine is not happy about excessive vibration associated with my physical limitations. When coupled with the other disadvantages of excessive heat and power consumption, my mechanical hard drive makes mobility an exceedingly touch and go situation. I would like the opportunity to further my education and research of computer technology with access to this part for my setup.

phoenix stu said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Dell would be great
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because of the speed and also the larger capacity. It will work great to install mac OS X. :)
- your YouTube name for identity
ipodtouch4all (phoenix.stu)

stupoop said...

- Asus
- cuz its fast as hell
- stupoop

Anonymous said...

Hi jkk !!
Youtube name: Mig132
SSD to Asus 901

because that its really fast , and my is really slowww :D

Good Christmas for all!!!

tukangbajaksawah said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
the asus one

- why do you want Runcore SSD
i have always wanted my Eee has bigger storage because i had much problem with the integrated one, and when you recomended Runcore, I think it's good to have this one on my Eee.

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Unknown said...


-Runcore SSD would be an excellent speed and capacity upgrade to my 901.

Ricky said...

2)I will be doing a lot of development work with gpsd/gpsdrive/openstreetmap. It would be great to have the extra storage space for maps & libraries.

Thanks for all you do for the mobile community!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, anyone got their Runcore SSDs to work on their EPC 900?

It seems to be windows XP does not boot with the new SSD

Mr.lueng said...

-I like the Asus eee one

-the bubble always warning me out of capacity,very annoyed. I need a fast and big ssd to be my c: drive.

-youtube account: microlueng

davidneuner said...

hi jkk,

- i would like to win the ssd for my asus 901
- why i would like this ssd? because my father is getting sixty years old, my sister is going to marry, my wife and me we are planning to build a house and we are waiting for a baby ... so it will be a busy year 2009 and im very sure that my 901 will run out of memory with all the pictures and videos i'll have to store on it ...

- my youtube nick is livingwithoutme

Anonymous said...

I would like to have the ASUS one.
My YouTube user name: prmahambre

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The ASUS one.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
your reviews were great about Runcore

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because i want the best and not one of the rest

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

-Asus Runcore SSD So I can enlarge storage for work capability.


Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
To save my 16gb eeepc900 and to make it able to run (core or better yet fly)
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Anonymous said...

Hey thx for running the contest.

- i would like the one for Dell
- I just bought the mini 9 for my daughter's xmas present, and I could not afford to get the Runcore. I would like her to have it so she can a) use sleep, and b) get all of her music on the box.
- youtube username wasserfish

Anonymous said...

- which one you want
the Asus one

- why do you want Runcore SSD
to speed-up - space-up my 901XP and beacuse I really like the 2 onboard USB for many uses

- your YouTube name for identity
my identity is "ghgjgkgh"


Anonymous said...

-The asus one
-I like the was the technology is progressing towards bigger faster drives!

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The ASUS one.

- why do you want Runcore SSD
My big brother owns an Asus EEEPC and that SSD would be a great birthday present for him.

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...


- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I'd like the Runcore for Asus EEE PC

- why do you want Runcore SSD
To start hacking my 900 ;)

- your YouTube name for identity

Marry christmas and happy new year

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

Asus SSD please.

- why do you want Runcore SSD

I couldn't get anything for my boyfriend this Christmas because of a recent layoff and i know how slow his eeepc 1000 is. Everytime we chat. his computer is too slow and doesnt get my messages until 20 seconds after i send it. I know that isnt that bad but it ruins the flow of the conversation and i get really sad thinking hes ignoring me. He tells me that all he needs is a faster SSD and I trust that this would help us. Thank you JKK for giving me hope this holiday season!

Youtube Account name: evilazn

Unknown said...

which one you want: Dell
- why do you want Runcore SSD: Because the Runcore offers more space and I really need my files on an internal drive
- your YouTube name for identity (matillma)

Anonymous said...

what: I'd love the Dell compatible 64GB drive!
why: My Dell mini 9 only has an 8gb drive!
who: Youtube name = Dramina

sil180 said...

hi there

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus ) = dell
- why do you want Runcore SSD = because it give me more memory for my net book
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )= ae86one

Thanks Jkk

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus ): Dell

- why do you want Runcore SSD: I bought the Italian version of Dell Mini 9 (1GB RAM, 8GB SSD, Ubuntu 8.04) for mobility and business and I would like to increase both speed and capacity

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you ): surfheraclitus

Anonymous said...

- eee 900
- xp is hoarding 4gb flash, ubuntu needs more! 16gb ssd is not enough
- dummyusr


Unknown said...

@ Which one I want?
I want Runcore's 128GB mini PCI-e SSD for my lovely pearl white Asus Eee PC 900.

@ Why do I want Runcore SSD?
Why? why??? (is this question for real?! :)
I want my pegASUS to fly with Runcore's SSD!
This is a wet dream coming true... (really, fantasizing on SSD even before I got my eee. actually, this is the reason I bought eee and not any other notebook).
Finally, a super-fast and shock proof huge storage...!

Runcore's SSD solves two major problems of the eee : speed and storage!
We (myself and as I can see many other people) are spending too much time trying to manipulate the eee's storage and speed.

If Asus will drop their SSDs and HDDs (HDDs? not for us! ;) and adopt Runcore's super-fast SSDs, the storage will be bigger, faster and shock-proof!
And storage ain't the only point here! SSDs and HDDs (especially HDDs - yuck!) are the factor that's making everything slower. with Runcore's super-fast SSDs the computer will literally FLY!

This will make Asus products not good, not very good, but the best!!!
With Runcore's SSDs, manufacturing of real portable computers is finally possible! hopefully Runcore's SSDs will spread to all PCs!

@ My YouTube name for identity?
It's "ChapiMan666".

JKK, thanks!

Anonymous said...

- Asus

- I have a NEED for SPEED

- overload78

Anonymous said...

- Asus
- need more storage and speed of my ssd and the runcore are the best
- NokNok12

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
The Runcore for my new Dell Mini9 please

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because it is the best performing and I love the ability to image the drive making it easy to replace the existing SSD

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- Asus SSD
- I have been following jkkmobile from the start and have become a firm believer of SSD. Therefore I only want the best [runcore] SSD for my eeepc!
- topelook

Unknown said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
64GB for Dell Mini 9

- why do you want Runcore SSD
More capacity, Speed and Sleepability

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

- I'm going for the Runcore SSD for EeePC
- I need it for solidizing my EeePC!
- YouTube account: wiyonoaten

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

Asus EEE PC 901 16 GB Windows XP

- why do you want Runcore SSD
I wanted to install Mac OS X Leopard too, so I bought a TOSHIBA MK8009GAH 80GB, I opend my EEE PC and "surprise" there was no ZIF connectors for it, damn.
Now I need a SSD and Runcore seams to be nice for it ;)
I bought Fido Didos Touchscreen too, soldered it and tested it, everything worked fine. I installed the touchscreen and closed the EEE PC, screwing the screen back on the EEE PC "BÄÄHHMMM" the Touchscreen broke.... the LCD Screen was fine... damn
I want the SSD because I am a unlucky guy. Perhaps I am lucky this time ;)

- your Youtube name for identity

Anonymous said...

i do not know where my comment disappear so i post one more time - i didint checked so i have to click something wrong.. sorry if it is normal ;)

-i want ssd for asus (901)
-why? because it is high class equipment and it will improve my life (well maybe not sexlife ;P ) and stock ssd are small and slow and i cant stand both these features.
-and it's "slimag"

Anonymous said...

Great contest,

- I would the Asus
- I was thinking about trying to sell my Eee but from the specs it looks like it would be much better than the 32 gb that I have installed now.
- Youtube contact superd129

Your install videos have helped alot, thanks

Anonymous said...

1. Dell
2. Need more and faster storage
3. c3tube

Anonymous said...

I might as well give it a try :)

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
Well, I really like the EEE 900, apart from the SSD of course. I have the painfully slow 16GB version now. XP is very sluggish, and I have a feeling the Runcore SSD would turn it into a completely diffent beast :)

- your YouTube name for identity
My youtube name is "Ageve123".

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
Because when I mount the computer to my motorcycle the standard HD can't handle the vibrations.


Anonymous said...

- Dell

- So I can store all the great videos from this site on it, and watch them again and again even when I'm not online! :)

- mattcampnz

Anonymous said...

subscribed on youtube
- need the dell one
- OS X won't sleep on the STEC from Dell ... and extra speed is good
- jeffburg is the name on youtube

Anonymous said...

last show's password: TechCrunch
what: I hope to win the RunCore for my 901.
who: My YouTube name is JDtucson901.
why: I want the RunCore 128GB because it is without a doubt the best storage option available for my 901 and I love the idea that I can just plug the SSD into my USB port if I need to recover or backup my data. I want to win it because that is the only way I could ever get that much storage for my 901. I have been suffering through with the factory 12GB's of storage but I keep running out of room and dieing from the 12MB/s speed of my data drive. I am totally disabled and have learned the fine art of sofa surfing a 901 from you and your videos. Thanks, it has helped me keep in touch with the outside world. When you have to spend 23 hours a day in bed the 901 becomes your best friend. I just want the RunCore to make it all that it can be.
Jkk, thanks for all of your work, support help, and videos. You, Chippy, and Sasha always give me a lot to look forward to, I just wish I could catch you live shows more often.
Thanks for being there for all of us.
JDtucson @
JDtucson901 @ YouTube

Unknown said...

I would love to get the Asus version of the Runcore SSD.

The extra storage is very nice, but the speed is what makes it so valuable !!! The default Asus SSDs (I have an EEE 1000) are too slow, IMO. I hope they get to improve this in next year's models, because this has been the most important weakness on 2008 year asus models.

My youtube user name is asdf4839.

Anonymous said...

1) Which one you want? The Dell Mini9 SSD
2) Why do you want Runcore SSD? I've seen the positive reviews on, and would LOVE to have an SSD larger than the 8gb (7.1gb or something like that formatted) that my Mini currently has. I'm running Vista Business, which as one can imagine, took quite a bit to install and maintain.
3) Your YouTube name for identity: doubleraven

Anonymous said...


which one i would like:

why i want the runcore ssd:
well theres alot, 4gb is simply not enough to do anything on, i desperatly need more, and currently the speed my ssd is letting the netbook down. nothing outperforms the runcore ssd. it will also mean i can try having more than 1 OS, ubuntu for play, xp for work.

Youtube id:

Anonymous said...

- which one you want: I want the Asus One=)
- why do you want Runcore SSD: I want i becors ssd are the future, and runcore have the best prices!!!
- your YouTube name for identity "RtpProduction"

Anonymous said...

- Asus one
- I need to store cartoons for my daughter during our holiday trip and 16GB just doesn't do it. A 128GB would be a welcome upgrade.
- steppingstonehk

Anonymous said...

- The Asus version (for Eee PC 901)

- This SSD will free my EEEPC of the sluggish performance.

- youtube name: techhuan

Anonymous said...


- love to get the Asus ssd
- need a quiet, fast and big replacement for the definitly to small 8g standart ssd
- ainumeny

... great blog jkk. Alway nice to pick up "mobile News"

Anonymous said...


WHY I WANT THE SSD? I am a grade 9 student in Australia who has a deep interest in computers. I got into computers about a year ago and since then I have learnt alot. Using my saved money i recently bought the eeepc 900 for school and now enjoying everything about it except for the slow ssd's. This wasnt a problem before, but since i use my eeepc alot now i started to notice the slow ssd speed and my growing volume of files. I did intend to replace the ssd with a runcore ssd shown in your video but as a student with no income this will be hard to pull off. Then came your competition. I want this ssd purely for the read/write speeds and the enormous capacity for my school documents and media files, but also the unique mini usb adapter which makes it a breeze to backup my data. Without this my eeepc wont reach its full potential, i just hope i win to improve my experience with this awesome netbook.

YOUTUBE NAME: CyntaxCarbine

Unknown said...

- RunCore 128GB SSD for ASUS
- I would like to upgrade the 32GB drive on my ASUS so that I can triple boot WinXP, Linux and Mac OS X.
- supadoggie

Unknown said...

- ASUS please (901 and I absolutely love it)

- because they are the best! I just like clever products

- fabianecker (not very imaginative, I know)

Anonymous said...

1. Subscribed to jkkmobile YouTube channel ( click the Subscribe button )
I've made an account & subscribed ...Done.

2. Write here, to the comments:
- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

- I'd like SSD for the Asus 90x/1000 please.
- Runecore makes the highest scoring in read/write times (mini pci-e) SSDs on the market. And they're even affordably priced.
- I chose the username:

3. Hope for the best
....because jkkmobile is the most awesome netbook (etc) site around...
+It's cool that you're Finnish and yet speek and english so well!

Winners will be picked 29th December at 21:00 CET on live event here at

Wow 352 comments and it's not even the 29th yet.

& first post wins eh? =D

Anonymous said...

One more thing... HOW! do you plan on tallying up all the votes???
Or will you just spend a whole Saturday doing it all yourself?
Because it doesn't look like it's possible to use automation.

Anyway I'm just curious...

Looking forward to the continuation of SSD week.

Unknown said...

-for ASUS
-for Speed, Capacity and for fun!

Henrik Peltonen said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )


- why do you want Runcore SSD

Pretty easy, the tests show that I will enjoy my eee pc much more with Runcore! I don't mind the size, but I do mind the speed!

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )


Thanks for a great competition. Terveisiä!

Anonymous said...

-I need the speed and capacity

Anonymous said...

First, I should have subscribed looong ago ! I absolutely love the reviews esp the video one's.

- which one you want : Asus

- why do you want Runcore SSD :
Speed, USB , promote competition (my 1st SSD , I'm a hw "guru" )

- your YouTube name for identity :

Anonymous said...

Salutations JKK,
I've just subscribed to your YouTube account under the name of GeorgieChaos.

I very recently recieved my Eee Pc 900A for Christmas from my parents. It's the first proper I've ever owned myself, and I'm very excited to begin improving it. I don't know much about programing yet, but it's been a long cherished intention of mine to learn enough to hack around a bit and join thhe open-source movement. Once I find out how hard-drive partitioning works, I can, and obviously a larger drive would help marvelously towards that end.
Additionally, I am part of a small Youth Rights political collective in Hobart, my home city, and I plan to use this little PC's webcm nd microphone to start making YouTube videos to expand the philosophical diologue around thoe issues, and document my artwork.

In the few days I've had this machine I've been trying to research ways of improving it as exhausively as possible for a beginner like myself, and your videos have been consistently easy to unerstand and informative. I've already begun formulating plan a touch-screen mod (when I find a supplier) and some type of memory upgrade based on one of these Asus RunCore drives whether I win this contest (touch wood) or not, so regrdless of who the winner turns out to be thank you very much for being so fourthcomming in your blog about all this emerging technology.

(To recap, I would very much like to win the Asus RunCore drive, and my YouTube username is GeorgieChaos.)


Anonymous said...

1. I'm subscriber no 1920
- I want the Asus
- I have the slow 16 GB version of Eee 900, i was going to buy a new SSD to improve my speed. Increasing size will let me experiment with several windows and linux installations!
- stryni is my youtube account, it is also my family name and a company from Finland (even though I am norwegian)
3. Hoping for the best!

Anonymous said...

i entered it earlier but my internet messed up and i dont think my post was sent, so il put it in again just incase,

Which ssd i would like:
DELL please

Why i would like it:
on my current 4gb ssd is just not enough to do anything, it really limits the usefulness of the mini 9. also the stock ssd speed is currently the netbooks limiting factor. nothing outperforms the runcore ssd. and with that volume i could try installing two OS's. ubuntu for play, xp for work.

youtube id:

Jamzen said...

First off... would like to say thanks for this opportunity, great work and keep it up!

-Which one?
The ASUS EeePC one please

Because I bought an EeePC for distance education and I would really love to boost it's performance and storage cause I'm a student and can't really afford to spend too much on upgrades :P


Anonymous said...

I just bought a 16GB Runcore SSD and while its plenty fast, I need more space! OSX takes up a lot of drive space.

Anonymous said...

Hi jkkmobile

Which SSD: the asus one

Why: I have been looking to upagrade my 1000 eee with some good quality SSD like runcores but my university expenses have kept me from making the much needed upgrade. With this runcore SSD I will able to boost my eee pcs performance and make it more productive in helping me attain my computer engineering degree. One day I hope to give back to the community just as Runcore is doing with this give away.

YouTube username: abezapata

Thanks and keep up the good work jkkmobile

Anonymous said...

Hi jkk ! I want the Asus one :) My YouTube id is "GunnarMyTube". I own several of the small Eee's (Eee 4G,900,900A, also the 1000H and ET1602 Top). It's clear how my 900 models suffer from slow SSD's,especially the 900A which I hope to be able to speed up using your SSD ! Many tricks exists for working around the issue but best is a quick SSD replacement.

Anonymous said...

- Asus SSD
- I want to give the Apple Air a run for its money with the RunCore!
- carlietoa

Unknown said...

Re: Upgrading or swapping the HP Mini 1000 HD / SSD.

Straight-Up Origami Lifer
Joined: 2007/1/24
Posts: 193

I will have HP and a new secret SSD here next week, so i will share all on a video asap...
Posted on: 2008/11/22 22:06

Anonymous said...

- Dell
- I'm done with any notebook with a fan. I'm tired of hearing them die after a few years, and tired of random thermal shutdowns when they start going. To make the Dell mini 9 perform as well as possible for doing mobile development and database work, you need to include the very best ingredients :)
- mnorland

Anonymous said...

Hey there jkk,

This is FileF here. I already subscribed to your channel, and so I'm here to complete the rest of the entry.

"2. Write here, to the comments:
- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )"

I'm going for the 128Gb Runcore SSD for Asus EEEPC.

Other than my EEE 901, I've had my EEE 701 ever since the first week of its release. Hence, it has the mini pci-e port soldered in and ready to be used.

I am going to test to see whether this SSD will work in a 701 or not.

Ever since I got my EEE, the only let down was the storage space: it's too small, and it's a little too slow to compensate for the weak processor and little RAM.

If everything works out, this SSD will help me cure the weak points of the stock storage, and will blow new life into my ancient EEE 701.

I've also always wanted to test this SSD in other machines (I'm assuming it would work since it's using a standard mini pci-e slot).

For example, over at (under the alias "Hahutzy"), I am currently discussing about the possibility of using a Runcore SSD in my Gateway P-6831FX as the master drive to boot the OS. If it works out, then it will serve as a speedy master drive for the OS and applications, and it will also give me additional USB ports to plug my wireless mouse's receiver into.

All in all, the reason for which I want this drive, on top of knowing that it performs well and is very affordable, is to attempt to test and report to various forums that this Runcore SSD is a very versatile piece of hardware that is useful for not only Mini 9 and EEE owners, but everyone whose laptop has a mini pci-e slot as well.

Thank you.


Donnie said...

Thanks for the contest opportunity!

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
I want the best performance and capacity for my Dell Mini
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )

Anonymous said...


which ssd would you like:
DELL please

why you would like the runcore ssd:
with only 4gb on my mini 9, the functionality of my netbook is completely limited. in the stock ssd is very slow in is currently the limiting factor on my mini 9. nothing out there outperforms the runcore ssd. if i had it it would mean can try using two OS's. ubuntu for play, and XP for work.

Youtube id:

Anonymous said...

1. Subscribe to jkkmobile YouTube channel (click the Subscribe button) -- Check

2. Write here, to the comments:
- which one you want -- Dell
- why do you want Runcore SSD
So I have the ability to experiment with different OS's and different configurations, but still have a reliable back up when work actually has to be done. Or simply because RunCore's are amazingly fast and I can't afford one...
- your YouTube name for identity -- DHowdy

3. Hope for the best -- Will do!

Anonymous said...

1. Subscribe to jkkmobile YouTube channel ( click the Subscribe button )
-) done

2. Write here, to the comments:
- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )

- why do you want Runcore SSD
-) amazing speed and high capacity

- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )
-) YouTube Name: daaansa

3. Hope for the best
-) I'm hoping... ;)

Anonymous said...

- which one you want:

- why do you want Runcore SSD:
it is the best solution in the international market, its speed and capacity are impressive

- your YouTube name for identity:

Anonymous said...

- which one you want: Dell
- why do you want Runcore SSD: to upgrade my hdd
- your YouTube name for identity: mapimapi85

Anonymous said...

- which one you want: Asus
- why do you want Runcore SSD: Because it is big and fast
- your YouTube name for identity: mrtman80

Anonymous said...

- Asus
- there is no zif adapter in my 901 and I want more internal disk space for different OS and more data for mobil use.
- my YouTube name is 3e1110000101
(explanation for the name: 3e = eee & 1110000101 = binary code for 901)

Anonymous said...

-which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
I want the Dell one, because I want to replace the 4GB SSD of my Eee 901 and then I will remove the 8GB SSD to put a HDD there.

-why do you want Runcore SSD
Because this is the best SSD for the Eee PC and my Eee needs more Speed!

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

I want to have the SSD for the ASUS.
I need more speed and capacity for my Eee PC!
My Youtube name is EeeFreak720

Anonymous said...

1. Asus

2. Only these SSDs will do the Eee PC justice.
A lot of people that doesnt have a netbook always say that,
"how can u use that, its so small, and its slow"
With these fast SSDs, we can show everyone that the Eee PC is up to the job, and may even replace their regular heavy notebooks.
Its these SSDs that will change their minds.
My friend was baffled when i install an n-lited xp on my primary 4gb ssd, and it booted in less than 10 seconds.
thats faster than his quad-core PC.
That's the reason why i want one.

3. Username : waihung

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )?
The Asus One. I´m a proud owner of a 901.

- why do you want Runcore SSD?
Well, almost has been said in the previous comments. I would like to have bigger and fast storage, to make my 901 a step closer to perfection.

- your YouTube name for identity

Happy New Year to everybody

Anonymous said...

- Asus EEE version!

- Why? Why not, I'd say. Not only I'll be carrying something durable, fast and silent (oh, the sweet sound of silence I've enjoyed since I unwrapped my EEE!) but I'll be very happy and busy evangelizing everybody around ^

- Contact me at raulsantosdelacamara

Anonymous said...

Awesome, I watch the videos all the time, I'd like the Dell SSD, so I'd have to buy one to add to my PC collection, already have a 64GB Runcore for my EEE, it's amazing.

Now for a touchscreen mod...


Anonymous said...

-Asus 128GB
-Porque tiene que ser la caña de españa,una envidia.
-Youtube: timy999

Anonymous said...

- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
Asus please!!! :-)

- why do you want Runcore SSD
I followed your instructions on how to add the touchscreen and I was extremely happy with that. Since then I have been watching your channel almost every day and when the Runcore SSD came I wanted to add one immediately. It is the perfect SSD for my Asus eee901!! Just the thought that I might win one now makes me very happy and I feel like dancing and drinking beer... :-D

- your YouTube name for identity

Anonymous said...

I really need that mini pcie-e thing for my really slow Asus 901go!

Anonymous said...

The Runcore for the Asus EEE PC

I would love to win this competition. I just got my Asus and I love fiddling with technology.


Anonymous said...

Not sure if the "give-away" is still " on" but here goes!

I'd love the Dell mini9! I KNOW I can trust Dell's!

The added space and speed will be great!

Youtube : TomSheeley

Thanks! Love you blog and videos!

Anonymous said...

1. Subscribe to jkkmobile YouTube channel ( click the Subscribe button )
- Done
2. Write here, to the comments:
- which one you want ( Dell or Asus )
- why do you want Runcore SSD
I would like to run OSx
- your YouTube name for identity ( I will use it to contact you )
3. Hope for the best
come on lady luck!

Unknown said...

128GB Runcore mini pcie SSD

The best SSD on the market for the ASUS eee pc.


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