Drivers ..drivers..
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It really should't be this hard INTEL!!!
But step by step we are getting XP to our MIDs too...
Grab the VGA driver from Fujitsu U2010
Details, News and Links for Aigo P8860 MID
Drivers ..drivers..
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I am having trouble installing driver. I unzipped the file onto usb drive then copied to c: drive on aigo. when i try to install drivers through the device manager it does not recognize the software. I clicked on the LPCO directory but it does not recognize. what am i doing wrong?
Nevermind I figured it out.
But I just noticed that I dont have standbye once I installed driver
Still not sure on pulling the trigger and getting one. I have a n800 now and like it alot. But as you jkk when it comes to the linux world I am lost. Flawless working xp would be the only reason I would buy this device. As most others have already said. To be honest. For the most part it would just be a gadget for me to shut up all the people i know that have 3g iphones. And to play some emulators while on break at work.
Do we have an estimated battery life on this yet with XP running?
any way of changing screen brightness yet?
Brook, not yet... I could do it with hw and add a small slider/roller and do it that way, but i'm still waiting a sw solution.
I'd also like to have a sw tool to disable gps, wifi and bt when not needed..
Frozenwashcloth, I can estimate current batt life with all radios on, using 3G : about 2+ hours, but it should be better with wifi and if we can disable other rdios when not in use.
hi, after the screen rotation try do a calibration again, and it works in portrait mode.
you can start the calibration utility first, then press the short cut key (Ctrl+Alt+Left) to rotate the screen, then press the calibration button, after finishing calibration, it works.
i wonder if i can choose difference profile for the calibration instead of doing it once a time.
JKK, you can use DevCon to turn off/on any device in XP.
Hello JKK~
possible to demo about the real USAGE?
i.e. install M$ or open office, acrobat (not reader) and annotate some PDF, outlook etc etc.
We don't run the OS only, we use applications, right? thank you~
Thank you for the site, it's nice.
I'm having trouble installing the Fujitsu display driver on my Aigo.
When I go to Device Manager I do the following:
1. Load Device Manager
2. Other Devices -> Video Controller (VGA Compatbile)
3. Right Click -> Update Driver
4. "No not this time" on the Windows Update dialog
5. Install from a list or specific location
6. Then I choose the LPCO directory (I also tried every other directory) in the unzipped .zip file
no matter the directory I get "the wizard could not find the software on your computer for..."
Peeking into the lpcofj_1093.inf file I see Ven=8086 and Dev=8108. My understanding is that this means the driver Fujitsu is providing is for an Intel (8086) part 8108
my Aigo is reporting that it's display is an Ven=8086 but Dev=8109.
Could my bios be wrong? what bios are people running? I'm using the newer one being linked in the forums. things like touch are working, as well as BlueTooth and GPS
many thanks!
Does anyone know anything about Crisis Recovery BIOS of Compal or Aigo MID?
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