Thursday, September 25, 2008

PCIE to ZIF adapter for Eee PC 901

Yep, with this you can put 1.8 inch HDD or SSD to your Eee PC

Click here to see more

Like I said, still some time to wait, but i will report as soon it's available...

UPDATED: I got pile of emails asking if the other adapter works on 901.. answer is no. It is set as master so you can't use it with internal SSD.

UPDATED: someone copied it and is selling it now

UPDATED: ..and on Ebay

Related News:


Anonymous said...

jkk, you are definitely a MOD Master. Great work!

Anonymous said...

Whats about the write/read-speed of a zif 1.8 inch HDD in comparison to 16gb slc I recently bought for my eeepc 901?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JKK said...

Cade, the adapter from 900 30G will work on 901 if you remove the internal 4GB SSD, ( fully open 901 ) but HDD will not fit under the lid with it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for clearing that up JKK, I didn't see your video yet when I posted my comment and therefor discovered later on that the adapter from Asus itself is a problem. I then wanted to change my comment but you already answered. You're fast! :)

Only too bad another hatch is needed for this solution. Is that something you are going to supply also?

For people that are interested, this was my original comment:
"So according to JKK's message above the other adapters DO work, only not together with the internal SSD's. I don't mind this, I will remove them anyway when I use a ZIF HDD.

Anyone that can confirm this? Will they work without any SSD in the 901?"

Anonymous said...

Does this report as Slave in the 901? I would get this to solve issues with the Master/Slave arrangement of the SSD+HDD combination.

JKK said...

The new adapter is auto select, so it shows as slave on 901 with 4GB ssd...

but you can swap the boot order to use it as os drive is you wish..

Anonymous said...

génial, tu est un dieu monsieur JKK,
viva JKK, houra !

great and lovely my sir, you sure rules like a champion.


Unknown said...

im confused. doesn't the 901 already have a ZIF connector?

JKK said...

not anymore... only the first ones had.

Anonymous said...

great mod jkk ;-)

Hm what about the battery mod? for 900 btw.901

Anonymous said...

can't you send just one adaptor? Is there USB or PCI Express controller?

Anonymous said...

So does that mean that the 90 30G adapter cant work on the 900 20G that has the on board 4GB SSD? :(

JKK said...

yep, it doesnt work on 900 20g... but mine does..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can´t belive it... one more Mod...
Answer: Could you post a link to find that adapter? (Here in Argentina it´s not so easy too find parts... you need "rigth data" to ask for).

JKK said...

JLM, it is not available yet... i will post links when it is.

Anonymous said...

Two more...
Could you made all 901´s mod on an 1000?
Could you replace WIFI by an WIFI/WiMAX card?
Wich one could be use?

Anonymous said...

any convenient place to put this in the 900 20g?

Anonymous said...

It would be very good, if it was possible to buy such adapter for EEE PC 901 already ready. For Russia it is very actual, as all officially sold 901 are delivered without ZIF a connector.

Anonymous said...

could you tell if "EEEPC 900 30G" MiniPCIe to Zif adapter work or not


Anonymous said...

Could i replace the ssd with a 1.8" hdd on a 900 16G ??

Vali B said...

jkk we really need another hatch or we could mode(cut) the existing one??

Anonymous said...

Is the new hatch required for the 901 and the 900? cause in the video the 901 original hatch looked like it fitted perfect, or has that been modified inside?

Anonymous said...

JKK, I love you man ;-)
I thought I must live with 12GB for ever. Can't wait to get one.....or two. But like the two posters above, I also want to know what kind of custom hatch you meant?

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your reviews and guides, they really help when you want to know how the products are/feel/work.

As the ones above, I was wondering about the "custom hatch". Is one needed, can one just cut away some parts to make it work, will there be a custom hatch to order with the package?

Anonymous said...

From EEEUser forums:

2008-09-25 8:29:25 am
Senior Member
Registered: 2007-12-10
Posts: 402

"I just got the proto adapter and made the video about it... i compare it to original asus adapter too..

.. yes, as you can see from his post, you can make it fit by cutting plastics but the lid doesn't close... same goes with 901..

My adapter comes with new lid so all fits in...."


Anonymous said...

is this adapter available to the public? i will definitly buy one. jkk can you either provide a link to where i can purchase the adapter or make it available on your website! i'm looking for 80-120 gb 1.8" HDD plus adapter.

Anonymous said...

JKK said...

"JLM, it is not available yet... i will post links when it is.
4:40 PM"

Gary said...

Any news on when this might become avalilable, also is it possible to tell wich model 901 does not have the ZIF connector?

Anonymous said...

hi, i am a little confused...

if i have the 901, and use this zif adapter to put in a larger sized hd... can i then swap the boot sequence so the new hd is the first drive and the slower 4g ssd is the secondary drive? thanks.

JKK said...

yes you can swap the boot order and use HDD as first ( boot ) drive

Anonymous said...

wow, great news, so basic question... outside of the gb size differences and cost, why would someone put in a regular hd if you can use an ssd drive? you know, ssd should be better on battery right?

thank you.

JKK said...

there is users wanting 80 or 160gb on it...

you could also use really fast 1.8 inch SSD with the adapter.. hats my favorite ;)

Anonymous said...

Any news of the adapter?

Anonymous said...

yeah... this 901+adapter setup sounds like a no brainer upgrade to my eee-4g...

cant wait to get this!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi , thanks to this great blog and jkk, i only want to know when it is disponible to order... not a exact date but aproximated... thanks a lot keep a good job ;)

Unknown said...

Nice piece of harware.
I'll surely want one, since i bought a zifdrive before checking if my 901 had a connector. Silly me thinking each 901 would be the same internally. Just one question, you say the lid on the back wont fit, so where can one find a custom made lid ?

Unknown said...

Ok 1st i need to read this whole thread :) the answer to my previous question was already inhere.

And @ Gary: look in this topic
seems there are a number of eee pc listed with and without zif.

Anonymous said...

Have you thought about doing a PCIE to Dual (M/S) CF adapter for Eee PC 901? I would like to remove the 4GB and 8GB SSDs and use 2 Transcend 16 GB SLC CF.
This should use less power than a spinning drive, keeping the long battery life. I have seen postings by Thinkpad users getting very good results with these UDMA CF.

Thanks for your great web site.

Anonymous said...

240GB 1.8" HDD!!!
Toshiba introduced new, larger 1.8" hard disks last week, both of which could find use in PMPs, UMPCs, and camcorders. The two new drives are 120GB and 240GB (single-platter and dual-platter, respectively), spin at 4200rpm, and measure 2.12"x2.79"x0.31." The smaller, 120GB drive weighs in at just 48g, while the 240GB drive is 58g; pricing has yet to be announced.

Anonymous said...

Well time has passed...

ANY UPATE on WHN this is going to be availible ??????

Anonymous said...

Yeh, Any more news? even just a rough estimate of when this might be availible and maybe an approximate price?

This would make the difference between me buying the 901 or the wind



Anonymous said...

hi there nice mod jkk i read your blog everyday in the hope that this nice adapter comes out soon but 1 question where do you publish the info when its out ?? here on your blog ???

keep up the good work :D

Anonymous said...

please, can you tell me where I can buy the ZIF for the 901? unluckly in Italy no 901 has been delivered with ZIF
thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Same here. Leaning towards a Wind unless the adapter is a reality for the 901.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

please can you tell me where I can find the pcie to zif adapter?

Anonymous said...

Read and then ask.....

Anonymous said...

gimme gimme gimme! lol

i'll buy the prototype! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Anything new about the adapter?

Anonymous said...

JKK please, tell us - should we wait for this adapter?

Anonymous said...

bump! tell us something mr jkk

Anonymous said...

Come on JKK tell us what is the progress for the adapter

JKK said...

update is coming soon...

prototyping can be fast, but getting it to full production takes some time...

i should have the first production samples soon..

Anonymous said...

Hello JKK,
can you tell me if the MyDigitalSSD 16GB SLC Mini PCI Express PCI-e PCIe SSD for Dell Inspiron Mini 9 Size: 16GB is good to replace the primary 4gb ssd of the Eeepc 901?

Robot said...

Well ... i dont understand one thing. How can you plug 40pin ATA HDD(zif) into mini-PCIe slot. Or is the pci-e of eee901 different from the standard one?
I have tried to do some research, but no luck (and im not taking my eee apart, yet;) )


JKK said...

yes, eee pc mini pcie is different than normal ones.. it has ata bus...

Robot said...

Where can one get pinout for that ? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello JKK,
When do you have the adapter? I'm very interested!
How much will it cost?

Anonymous said...

Could you please tell me if the kit you are making would be usable on the EERPc 900 as well ?

Anonymous said...

hey jkk are there any news by now whether this adapter is available soon e.g for shipping??? This would make the difference between me buying the 901go or another netbook maybe 1000h as it was said before...

Anonymous said...

add: maybe its impossible but it would be helpful definitive.. so is there an option to display posting dates ?? i can see times like 3:35 am only no clue about when something was posted?? maybe a kind of feature could be added??? thx

Unknown said...

Hiya JKK!!
Still awaiting for the adapter!!
any news?

Anonymous said...

i waiting this adaptor too. I will buy when it is available.
Any good news?

Anonymous said...

Me too!

Anonymous said...

waaaaahaha i need this adapter soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi JKK, have you heard anything about this adapter? The masses are waiting with baited breath, when you do will it be posted on the main page?

Anonymous said...

hello Jkk, any news about the adapter?

Anonymous said...

We are many who waiting this adapter. Now 2 month past, no good news.
I hope JKK read this news...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

whats up jkk???
if there is no delivery date
we need at least one reaction on your part..
please just a word that you recognized our posts..
:D :D !!

JKK said...

sorry, no delivery date yet..

manufacturing process has been started but it looks like still some 3 weeks for first ones..

I would love to give solid date but i don't want to set a date i can't hold.

Anonymous said...

I am ready to buy one, it is possible to pre-order one ?

Anonymous said...

Good news, but in the end will be built, right?

Anonymous said...

in your video,in the 901 the second adapter(the one total green) works???and for the cover,if i press a lot, i can close the cover???sorry for my english...

Anonymous said...

is it possible to braze a zif-conector on the mainboard??


Anonymous said...

It is possible but you lose the guarantee.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@barton... in looking at the video, there does not appear to be any soldering of any kind so any type adapter additions you make, can easily be removed should you choose to send your unit back to asus for any type of work/repair.

Anonymous said...

Hi JKK, do you have news for manufacturing?

Anonymous said...

Hi JKK any news on the adaptor, I need this product

helixrider said...

Yes - need this ;o)))

Anonymous said...

any news?

Anonymous said...

Seems a hoax.

At first delivery date was 3 weeks.

11-06 now..

JKK said...

i said there is no delivery date...

i will get the first samples in few days now and then it's a mather of week or 2... but still no date..

Willmaster said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Willmaster said...

Hey jkk ;)

just a little question , ive got an EEE 901 without ZIF socket , my soldering skills are good so i think i can simply solder in the socket
(it costs 1,25$ ... im working for apple , i order an iPod one)

do you know if it will work ?
or is the socket not connected on the 901 without ZIF?

i want to use a Hdd like this:

i know i must Remove then the 4Gb SSD to , OS will be installed on the HDD

will it work ?

thx, Willmaster

Anonymous said...

Hi all, know it has been mentioned before but it would be realy nice to get a date next to the time of day for each comment, yes the comment was written 7.24AM but which day?

Anonymous said...

21:17 GMT 10/11/08
Totally agree with previous post PLEASE can we see a date for each comment... PARTICULARLY those replies that refer to a delivery date!! :)

Unknown said...

Hiya All
Yes!! And we all are still waiting!!

Willmuster!! yes soldering a connector will work it would seem, where can I get a connector? for $1.25. I will have a go my self!!

Regards Neil

Willmaster said...

i have ordered 100 pcs , contact me per mail for one (shipping costs are in Europe ~1€)

Unknown said...

Willmaster my email is
Please contact me about the connector
PS. I am in the UK!

Anonymous said...

Willmaster - can you contact me at cciecrazy @at@ I'd take 3 of these connectors if still available (sent to Ireland). thanks,

Anonymous said...

Hi Willmaster, I would like to buy some of these off you. Could you post your email address please? Thanks!

Willmaster said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Willmaster said...

i'l cotact you all this week , please email me
and send:

How do you want to pay
in Which country do you live

you can contact me in:
German (prefered) , english , russian , chinese , japanese (yeah i speak many languages^^)

Anonymous said...

patiently waited for a couple of mos now, but looks like will be going the acer aspire one 6cell 160gb route...better keyboard...


Anonymous said...

It is the week of the SSD. But when is the week of the ZIF-Less solution ?
we are the end of november...

Anonymous said...

please jjk mobile tell us when the adapter is buyable

Anonymous said...

Nov.18th... This wait for the promised adapter is now starting to become annoying. If you can't deliver, let us know and we can make alternative plans... If you can deliver, let us know when!

And please try and do something about dating the posts... eh?

Anonymous said...

Willmaster, I emailed you for the Zif socket... ;)

Daniel Baker said...

Don't you think JKK would say something if he knew?
He clearly stated as soon as he knows, we will know....

For what he gives us all (for free) in the form of information, news and reviews...

I think the least we can do is be a little patient and have a little faith in the man...

Anonymous said...

no news for shop? :P thanks jkk

Anonymous said...

Is the adapter ever going to materialise? JKK please post on the forums about it!

Anonymous said...

It's been months. Something must have fallen through.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you something has happened. Months and no responds. Obed

Anonymous said...

whats the G O?
if its not going to be available soon i might just upgrade to samsung nc10 or something wiht more hdd space.

Anonymous said...

Will change it for a Acer One 160GB.......A painful brand change but I need more space.....Asus should,t change the zif socket as they are loosing clients....Obed

Anonymous said...

This a no way path...
How about the PCIe to ZIF converter?

3 months later you don't have given any real news.

JKK said...

i'm now waiting for final production samples..

There was some problems of making it to work on all models, but all is ok now..

.. will post news as soon as there is solid date.

Anonymous said...

Please post on too JKK

Anonymous said...

I'm too impatient; I already decided to man up and solder in a ZIF socket rather than wait for the card. And hey, this way I won't have that bulge.

(hmm, the combination of "man up" and "won't have that bulge" came out a little weird).

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

+1 yiiiipppeeee

Anonymous said...

where can u buy the adapter n the 1.8 hdd? and the new cover after u fit that hard drive? pls email me on the on

Unknown said...

surely it must be just around thhe corner now...

Anonymous said...

Quanto manca ancora???
(Posted on december 14 2008 from an italian user, who have the disk, the zif cable, the 901 but not the zif soldered on the mobo....) Maybe it's better for me to solder a zif on my head.... ^_^ (It won't void any warranty....) Bye Jkk i'm hopefully waiting for you to do the miracle...

Anonymous said...

any news?

Anonymous said...

Frankly it's very annoying that JKK has promised this PCI-e to ZIF adapter, kept people waiting for months and then simply prefers not to respond to the many requests for availablity info. Why not say it ain't gonna happen or I haven't the time or inclination to get it finished.
Your credibility goes with this failure to give the facts approach.

Anonymous said...

... mmmh... i think is not so... but i'm sure that at this moment if you make 100 board you'll gonna sell 1000!!! Every eee owner wants an adaptor!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!! Hurry Up!!!!

(19 december 2008 00:30 italy)

Anonymous said...

"Every eee owner wants an adaptor!!!!!!!!!! Please!!!!!!! Hurry Up!!!!"

Not really. I am selling mine. I bought it on purpose when JKK said he was going to launch the adaptor because I wanted the smallest affordable netbook with a hard disk.

It's not a problem that he didn't deliver, those things happen... It's just really annoying that he never told us it wasn't going to happen.

I kept my eee 901 on the bag waiting for this, now I'm selling it.

That's weak, man. Hope can be a great think, but it cal also be crap when what you hoped for never comes.

Anonymous said...

It's not like the adapter is really necessary to put a hard disk in the 901, man. It just makes it easier. Impatient? Be a man and break out the soldering iron. The parts required cost $8 on Digikey; that's way cheaper than this adapter package will ever cost.

Anonymous said...

someone wrote in another forum that it soldering the zif doesn't work!! and about selling the 901... i'm bored of buying and selling. I've bought the 701 thinking that before a new model it will take years... after two months i've sold the 701 for a 900 then i've mistake everything buying a 900A... now i'm wrinting from an 901.... i'd like to stop here with an harddrive and not a ssd.... bye bye... hopefully waiting... (21/12/08 23.00 it)

Anonymous said...

ON DIGIKEeeY THEeeREee's a pleeenty of and it's difficult to chooseee... WRITEee THEee MODEeeL!!!! I'm GOING TO SOLDEeeR THEee UNSOLDEeeRABLEee!!

Unknown said...

any updates?
perhaps an early xmas present?
yeah sounds good!
i shotgun one of these

Unknown said...

Hiya JKK and ALL!!
Any News on the zif Adapter?
Its BeEEEPCeN a while now!!!
I am even thinking Should I Get Soldering!!!
and I have never soldered before!!!
Can you help us????

Anonymous said...

12-26-08 7:53 AM

For EeenthusiAsust and any other brave to solder the ZIF connector.

I browse and find this connector that meet the exact socket. It have been post in and other sites.

Today 12-26-08 I have order 2 of them for $5.42 each and $13.00 USPS shipping to Puerto Rico for 3 Days.


At lease I will solder it and not wait for excuses. Obed

Thanks... Happy Holidays and New Year.

Anonymous said...

12-26-08 2:13 PM

Update I just recive the digikey invoice and this is what it is.

Back Unit Price Amount
Idx Box Ordered Cancelled Shipped Item Number/Description Order US $ US $
1 1 2 0 2 WM7721CT-ND 5.42000 10.84
SCHED B: 853669 ECCN: EAR99
U.S. $$

Good luck.....

As soon I recive it I will solder it and leave post here and in my blog whit pictures.

I will use a touch screen tutorial to take apart the Eee PC 901 to solder the connector. Which I download it here:

Thanks to Brett from JKKmobile for this link.

Excuse me if I can't post this links here is not for selling nothing.Obed

Anonymous said...

arghhhh, i want a adapter! How long i must wait?

Anonymous said...

Update: 01-03-09 7:00 AM

I receive the connectors on December 29.....I wasn't able to solder it for this days because to much work and holidays......Yesterday the January 2 I take the computer apart and solder the connector that fit perfect and was easy to solder whit a normal iron and little skills as I'm not a grate solder... I put the computer back together and is working as normal....I haven't test the connector as I'm waiting the cable to arrive from Hong Kong....Also I have to cut some plastic to the HD to fit because of my HD is an 60GB from a Zune and is more fat that the other....I took pictures of the proses and will post it in my blog as soon the cable arrive and I test it...Thanks...Obed

Anonymous said...

03.01.09: Waited long enough, now. Went for a runcore SSD.

Anonymous said...

Just realized i don't need more space then i have on my Eee... Got a 100/100 connection at home, plus Turbo-3G mobile broadband...

Anonymous said...

JJK any news? Please tell us news!

Anonymous said...

too much time waiting...perhaps the connector is a joke

Anonymous said...

Luqui: 06-01-2009

Look this one:

And this other one:

Salut i Força al Canut. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Please, I would like to receive your feedback.


Anonymous said...

JJK?? Can you hear me?? I waiting for your answers!

Anonymous said...

Who has a eeepc901 with no zif connector and want to upgrade to ssd drive right now what is the better option? or there is no option?

I want to boot from a larger disk and keep the 4gb internal ssd for storage, but my eeepc901 has no zif connection... I bought the zif to cf adapter and I bought a 16GB CF also to replace the 8GB internal SSD. And when I was preparing my self to install my new "flash drive" I realised that my computer has no zif connector... what should I do now? Sell it all back in eBay?
Thank You!

Anonymous said...

Give it me for free!

Anonymous said...

come on g
release this shit already

Anonymous said...

Is there any news? I wait for it :-) Need a HD for my 901 ... Please ...

All`Fury said...

Waiting the adapter

Good job :3

Anonymous said...

NEWS??? :)

Anonymous said...

Still waiting for the adapter...

Was it a fake?

Anonymous said...

20080125:Any news for this adaptor ? also got 1.8 hdd readyto install before noticing no zip connector... Help !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry for previous post, the date is of course 20090125:Any news for this adaptor ? also got 1.8 hdd readyto install before noticing no zip connector... Help !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've given up waiting for this adapter. If I didn't know any better I would say this was just a big hoax! Look at the posting date: 25 September 2008!! It would take a few weeks to release, it has been months now. That it isn't going according to plan and causing a delay is something I can live with... not being informed and updated is something I can't! There are so many people waiting for this and JKK just plays dead. For me he lost all his credibility because of this. I think he's all into SSD now and isn't bothering anymore with an "ancient" solution like this. For all the loyal people that are still waiting... I think you can better search for another solution...

Anonymous said...

I've also given up. I think we should at least apologize for having made us think that it could be done. I purchased a 30 MB HD and now it's a nice paperweight on my desk.

Anonymous said...

hey guys... maybe a chill pill is required... I cant imagine that getting this done was going to take less than months. Plus jkk does this for us, it must be very demoralising to hear all this crap. I hope he hasnt given up and this is still coming.

An update would be great though!!! Im about to purchase a 901 and the supplier has hinted they might do a zif for me. SSD is just a bit out my price range (feb 5). So, who is getting my $$$ ?

Unknown said...

Hi JKK and All
Any News!!!
Have got my zif Hard Disk awaiting and running out of space. Please give us some news.

Anonymous said...

10 feb 09
Only a fool would now believe that JKK is going to deliver these long promised adapters after such a wait. He/her promised the earth and gave absolutely nothing but false promises. His/her credibility is now zero and that must go for anything else he is associated with including this site. You're just a complete time waster aren't you.

Anonymous said...

Is there any news on this PCIE to ZIF adapter yet JKK?

Anonymous said...

JKK are you alive ? Don't you hear our ask ?

Anonymous said...

In my case this was workaround functioned without any problems:
Open your EeePC as described in
Take off the 4GB miniPCIe and replace it with this connector from asus which you have to shorten first
And then connect your HDD in my case TOSHIBA MK4009GAL with a 152mm cable

Unknown said...

when can we buy this

Anonymous said...

I stoped checking the blog when I noticed it was never gonna happen. I think it's ok, sometimes people plan wrong and believe they can do things that they eventually find out they can't. Afterall, he's only human.
What is not human is to keep saying he was going to deliver the connectors after he knew he wasn't. And to keep us reading this post for months when nothing was going to happen. And in my situation, and probably others, I bought the 901 just because of this post. Now it's gathering dust.
I used to think you're the man, but you couldn't even admit you were wrong.
That's sad... You suck, JKK.

Daniel Baker said...

I love the gutless 'anonymous' posts...

If JKK takes delivery of these adapters I would love to see even one of you spineless cretins come back with an apology...

If it happens it happens, why abuse the guy? He said he would comment when he knows something.
That will be a yes or a no, JKK has integrity.

JKK said...

UPDATE 27.03

As you should know, I was not making the adapter, just prototyping.

A manufacturer is doing it but for some reason prioritizing to other projects..

But good news is that someone has started to make it:

Daniel Baker said...

Thank You JKK

Daniel Baker said...

I have ordered one, will post when it arrives and I have tested... I will leave the 4 gig SSD in to begin with...

Anonymous said...

hi all,

can i buy this adapter for asus eeepc 901 (jkk said with on top from this page: UPDATED)?! Does it funktion with my eee901? If yes, which hdd i must buy on ebay? thx

Anonymous said...

Few questions, if someone who has used this device already.. hopefully. How does it compare in speed to a SDD in experience? and with the chip and hdd in there can the back panel fit still? i saw there were some earlier concerns. Would I be searching for the same hdd type as if there was a zif onboard? dont want ot invest before i know if there could be any problems, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Posted 04/04/09 22:20GMT

For pity's sake folks... PLEASE date your posts!

Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

Hope that you appreciate my idea!

Anonymous said...

Ordered one of the adapters from R-Cube Station (Took about 8 working days to get to the UK) and it works fine in my 901! There is a slight rise in the casing, doesn’t close flush now due to the 1.8 inch 30GB Toshiba drive now in my system, but hasn’t caused any problems for me. Bios picked up the drive straight away.

13 April

Anonymous said...

Where would one get the new back cover for the casing?

Kosamatteo said...

I've bought the pcie to zif suggested from JKK and a suitable samsung harddrive... now With the switch on the SQUARE POSITION IT RECOGNIZE TWO MASTER and in the other position just the internal SSD. The worst is that after that the eeepc 901 wasn't booting!!
I'm trying fixing this but i've ordered the same connector from the other vendor just in case.
IF SOMEONE KNOWS about this issue please let me know. Thanks!!


PS: My bios doesn't recognize the new hard drive, is completly different from JKK video.

I know it's not a JKK fault, but a "troubleshooting", i hope we find a solution....

Unknown said...

I am thinking about buying a bigger SSD for my 901 - but I am not sure what kind of SSD would fit into and work with that laptop. Could you advise or point me to a relevant resource? Thanks a lot, great eee PC master!

Anonymous said...

Zif adapter from R3 Station + 1.8 ZIF drive revived my original EEEPC 900. Bios v 1006 recognized my Toshiba drive. Its MUCH faster than the original and fully functional now. Thanks JKK!

Anonymous said...


in one Video you youse a rubber frame for the 1,8" HDD to fit the eeePC901.

I searched google and eBay for a long time, but i can't find this hdd-cage.

Do you have a link or something?!

greetz from Germany.


Unknown said...


today I tested to connect a 60 Gig Hitachi drive to my eee PC 901 but it just doesnt recognize it.

The disk is fine, I tested it with a USB adapter. But no matter if I set the adapter to Master or Slave, the eee PC only finds the primary SSD.

The drive starts to spin. And the adapter is ok, too. I have 2 of them and is the same with any of them.

So I have no idea what to do. There is ubuntu on the primary SSD but it won't boot with the HD connected so it does have an effect.

Thanks for your help

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