Thursday, June 07, 2007

Samsung starts to market Q1 Ultra

Click to see the video and details

Samsung Q1 Ultra Microsite

Some details have changed... speculations of 600Mhz prosessor drop started at Origami Project

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Anonymous said...

What is up with that guy's hair? The music in this video is horrible, is this really the best they could do to show off the Q1U, meh!

Unknown said...

Haha! Yeah, that music was cheese. But still, drool! Fracking drool!

Anonymous said...

UGH! Is that really the best they could do?

The first product model looked like a 60's holdover (what's with the hair and that SUIT!) And everyone else is holding the model so gingerly as if they are afraid to really use it.

It doesn't look like nor do I hope these are commercials for the US market. If so, this thing won't sell because of the commercials but in spite of the commercials. Which is really the opposite of a marketing campaign isn't it?

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